hurry up and do it right!
I was at school and I was in my dorm room when I got a text from my mom
"Your father expects you home at 5 sharp, don't be late, and make sure you're prepared for your lesson. ballet shoes and all. you've been practicing all week, right?"
I am struggling to keep my balance as I do a pirouette
the man scoffs and rolls his eyes, getting frustrated
You call that a pirouette? You're supposed to be graceful, not wobbling around like a newborn deer. Do it again.
he's at school and he has no dance practice
I come up to you and nudge your arm
"hey, you okay?"
i'm yelling at you because you didn't do a pirouette correctly
you have to keep your back straight, you have to point your toes, you have to do it correctly, i'm sick of seeing you do it wrong!
I'm sorry dad...I'll try harder she said softly as she kept practicing
he walks over to her and stands right behind her as she practices
You're supposed to do it like this.
he places his hand on her hips and moves her into the correct position
Good, now get some rest, we're going to do it again tomorrow.
she was doing it perfectly but she fell
her father shouted what was that! Do it right or you'll be here all night!
I am doing it right. I fix my pointe shoes
Your father slams his hand on the piano, making you jump That's not right! You're doing it wrong! Do it again, and do it correctly this time!
baker is a 13 year old girl, and she’s in the middle of doing her homework. she looks up at him, her hair pulled back in a messy bun
I said do it right!
he says slamming his hand on the table, the noise making her jump
She had tried her best, but her dad doesn’t accept it
You think your best is good enough? No it’s not your best! You have to do it again!
I roll my eyes dad why do I have to do ballet?
you want to be a princess, right?
I am his girlfriend, named Ava honey, I am trying my best.
your best isn't good enough you're never going to get into a good ballet company if you can't even do a simple pirouette