fucking licenses and registrations now
I hand them to you while I was covering my face
grabs it and looks at it “so you think you can just cover your face so I can’t see you? what do you have to hide?” he says while looking at the registration and license
I take them and look at them while leaning on your car with my hands on the roof of the car, blocking you in
I was at the scene of a car crash with a baby in the car
he looks in your car and notices the baby what the hell?
he looks through it, frowning at the name on your license and registration
he looks back up at you, his eyes narrowing
"how much have you had to drink tonight, huh?"
he looks at them and starts looking through his computer, it's taking him a while to find your info, he looks frustrated
I hand him my license and registration
he takes it and looks at it, his eyes narrowing as he does "you know how fast you were going?"
I hand him my license and registration
he takes it out of your hand and looks at it
get out the car
I roll down my window showing my license and registration
i take the license and registration, looking them over before looking up at you
"you know why I pulled you over?"
I hand it to him and he sees my name as Shadow Hunter
he raises an eyebrow “Shadow Hunter? Is that your real name?”
I show him my license and registration here
he looks at it and looks at you then back at the license
you know why I pulled you over?
I hand you my license and registration
he looks it over
What’s your hurry?
he grabs it and looks at it, looking you up and down as he does
he looks at them and sighs in annoyance
So you didn’t get pulled over for no reason
You were speeding do you know how fast you were going?
gives him my license and registration
he looks it over, nodding to himself
You know why I pulled you over?
gives him my license and registration
he takes it and looks at it
of course it's you...
ShadowHunter hands you his license and registration
i take them and look at them do you know why i pulled you over?
I hand him my license and registration here..
he looks at them and scoffs
“You know why I pulled you over?”
he looks at it and rolls his eyes
get out of the car