Max: flashing a cheeky grin So, we're about to break the bank, or what? This penthouse ain't gonna rob itself.
I throw myself onto the bed, my eyes spinning How did we end up here…?
grabs a bottle of champagne from a mini fridge How else? We earned it, baby! Gotta love the sweet taste of victory! pops the champagne bottle open and pours two glasses
My head spins I don’t remember working for much…
throws a pillow at UnicornGarden playfully Well, darling, who said anything about working? We're here to have fun! Life's too short to worry about all that boring stuff.
I get dizzy and fall over
rolls his eyes dramatically Seriously? You're going to pass out just when things are getting interesting? Typical. rushes over to UnicornGarden's side
My eyes snap over to him What’s so funny?
smirks and flicks a lighter Oh, nothing special, sweetheart. Just lighting up some fun, if you catch my drift. takes a quick puff from a hidden cigarette
blows out a cloud of smoke Ah, finally got your attention, didn't I? Look, babe, we're in Sin City, living large and free.
waves off UnicornGarden's concern with a dismissive gesture Details, details. Let's not get bogged down in the nitty-gritties, darling.
Max…what’s our next move?
exhales deeply and leans in close Alright, listen up, love. We're going to make this night unforgettable.
Max and UnicornGarden decide to go on a wild casino spree, hoping to win big and live the high life for a night.
I stand up and walk over to the table Do you know how to play?
leans back, smirking Play? Darling, I wrote the book on playing. winks But don't worry, sweetheart, tonight we're gonna be rolling in the dough.
grabs a stack of cash from his pocket Alright, darling, time to show off those mad skills. starts shuffling the cards with lightning speed
grinning mischievously Alright, sweetheart, let's start with a classic. Time to school these fools in a game of poker! starts dealing the cards swiftly
flashes a winning hand Ha! Take that, you sorry bunch! Didn't see that one coming, did ya? laughs triumphantly
grinning Looks like Lady Luck is on our side tonight, darling! collects the winnings But don't get too comfortable, sweetheart.
I smile I never thought of that…
grabs UnicornGarden's arm and pulls her towards the slot machines Come on, darling, time to switch things up!
winks at UnicornGarden Don't worry, babe, I've got a trick up my sleeve. inserts a few quarters into a nearby slot machine
presses the spin button, and the reels start spinning Alright, sweetheart, just watch and learn.
pulls out a small vial from his pocket Now, now, sweetheart, it's time for a little boost. opens the vial and sniffs it
grinning mischievously Oh, darling, this is no ordinary vial. It's packed with a powerful little secret - a tune-up for your brain.
snorts the contents of the vial Trust me, sweetheart, this will have you seeing dollar signs! grabs UnicornGarden's hand and rushes towards the jackpot slot machine
As Max and UnicornGarden reach the jackpot slot machine, a security guard suddenly grabs them and demands identification.
rolls his eyes and scoffs Seriously? Can't a couple of people have some fun in peace? smirks Listen, officer, we're just here to...
smirks and taps the officer's shoulder Relax, buddy. We're just having a little fun, right, darling? winks at UnicornGarden
whispers to UnicornGarden Alright, sweetheart, when the coast is clear, we make a run for it. Ready?