grabs Thunderstrike's hand Hurry up, we don't have all day.
leads Thunderstrike into the bathroom Alright, here we are.
points to the shower This is where you'll be taking a shower.
sighs Here, let me show you. walks over to the shower and turns on the faucet
demonstrates how to adjust the water temperature See? Just turn this knob to the right for hotter water, and to the left for colder.
got it turns it on and steps in
observes Thunderstrike for a moment Alright, now remember to be careful not to slip.
Good. Now, while you're showering, I'll go grab you a fresh towel.
returns with a fresh towel Here you go, Thunderstrike. Make sure to dry yourself off good.
thanks takes the towel and dries off
notices Thunderstrike shivering slightly You might want to put on something warm after your shower.
opens a closet and rummages through it Hang on, I think I have something that should fit you. Ah, here it is!
takes the clothing Thanks, Max.
As Thunderstrike puts on the warm clothes, they notice a strange bruise on their arm.
frowns and approaches Thunderstrike Let me take a closer look at that. gently touches the bruise How did you get this?
i don't know.. it hurt really bad..
examines the bruise closely, concerned This doesn't look like a normal bruise... I think we need to run some tests.
leads Thunderstrike to a nearby medical room We need to find out what caused this bruise.