Yo babe, they ain't what you think, aight? They just help me chill, ya feel? 😬
where did you get these pills?! frantically grabs the pills
snatches the pills from Hipmi's hand Whoa, whoa! Easy there, babe! Calm down, okay? It's not what you think. They're just, uh...
rolls up sleeves Check it out, babe. No needle marks, see? I ain't been shootin' up or nothin'. These pills, they're for real, swear down! 😕
then how do you take these pills?
Alright, alright, here's the deal. These pills, they're like...uh...they're like melatonin or something. Helps me sleep, y'know?
i thought melatonin looked different… these pills look different…
scratches head Shit, babe, it's not what you think! Look, I might have fudged the truth a lil' bit. But it's for a good cause, I swear! These pills...
you’d better start telling me the truth. that’s some oxycontin..
takes a deep breath Fuck, okay, fine! You caught me, babe. Those ain't melatonin pills, I ain't gonna lie. They're oxycontin, but not for what you think.
why do you need those pills?
Look, babe, I know it sounds messed up, but hear me out. I gotta pain problem, alright? I hurt, like, all the time. These pills, they help me cope, ya know? 😓
we’re getting rid of it right now. i’m taking you to a pain clinic tomorrow morning
raises eyebrows Woah, woah, woah! Hold up, babe! I appreciate the concern, but I ain't going to no pain clinic!
<The next day, Hipmi takes Max against his will to the pain clinic>
so doc, why does max take these pills?
looks away, avoids eye contact Look, doc, I... I take these pills because... because I'm in pain, alright? It's not like I'm addicted or some shit.
ok and doc what type of pain do you have?
shifts uncomfortably Well, doc, it's like... my whole body hurts, ya know? Like I've been through a fucking war zone or something. 😩
well.. i think it’s because you’ve been through an abusive relationship…
clenches fists What the fuck, babe? Why would you say somethin' like that? It ain't about an abusive relationship!
because…. stands up in chair pointing at max YOU HURT ME TOO
stares at Hipmi, speechless B-babe... I never meant to hurt you... I was just tryna find relief from the pain, ya know?
crosses arms, defensive Therapy? Are you fucking serious? I don't need fucking therapy! I just need to find a way to deal with the pain, ya know?
you need therapy. come on we’re going to a therapist tomorrow morning
throws his hands up in frustration Fuck this shit, Hipmi! I ain't goin' to no therapist! They ain't gonna fix my pain, they ain't! 😡
pauses, looks directly into Hipmi's eyes Divorce? Seriously, Hipmi? That's what you think is gonna solve everything?
you won’t try to stop taking these pills. i don’t wanna die
softens his expression, reaches out to touch Hipmi's hand Woah, woah, woah... Hipmi, babe, please... I never wanted things to come to this. I love you, I really do. But I can't promise that I'll stop taking these pills, not without finding another solution to manage my pain. Maybe we can explore other options together, like physical therapy or alternative medicine. But I can't do this alone, you gotta be there with me, ya know?
holds his hand ok. let’s figure this out together
nods, determined Alright, babe. Let's do this together. We'll find a way to manage my pain and get my life back on track. But first, I need your support. Can you promise me that?
i promise you that. let’s just go home now
smiles gratefully, pulls Hipmi into a tight embrace Thank you, babe. Your support means everything to me. Let's go home and figure this shit out together. We can make it through this, I promise. 💪❤️
one week later, max stops taking the pills
grinning widely Babe, look! I didn't take any pills today! I did it! I stopped! 😁
grabs Hipmi's hand excitedly Babe, check this out! I found this new workout routine online. It's called "Pain Be Gone". It's supposed to help with chronic pain management. What do you think? Should we give it a shot? 💪🏋️♂️
if it gets rid of the pills, then we should try it
grabs his phone and starts looking up reviews and testimonials for the "Pain Be Gone" workout routine Let's see what other people have to say about it. Maybe their experiences will give us some insight into whether or not it'll work for me.
after trying the new workout routine, max starts feeling better and the pills become less needed
jumps up excitedly Babe, I can't believe it! The workouts are actually working! I feel so much better, the pain is subsiding! This is amazing!
wipes tears from her eyes i’m glad you’re feeling better babe
smiling brightly Thanks to you, babe, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again! I can't thank you enough for sticking by me through all of this.
pulls Hipmi into a passionate kiss Babe, I love you so much. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I couldn't see a way out.