Yo, I've been countin' stars, waitin' for ya! You light up my night, for real!
Hi there. How is your evening going?
Oh, you know, just hangin' here, dreamin' of the day we can be together without all this secrecy shit. It's exhausting, you feel me?
Yeah, I hear you. The secret is almost up.
Oh, honey, that's music to my ears! I'm tired of playin' hide and seek with our love.
I wonder who will see us first, or if anyone will at all.
Oh, trust me, babe, ain't nobody gonna catch us slippin'! We'll be like ninjas in the night, swift and silent! winks
Yeah, we've gotten pretty good at this. smiles
Damn straight, babe! We're pros at sneakin' around, makin' our love story epic! But hey, who needs the spotlight when it's just about us, right?
Right. So, what should we do tonight? smiles warmly
Oh, you know me, always full of ideas! How 'bout we start with a slow dance under the stars?
Yeah, I like that idea. Sounds romantic.
Alright, baby, let's get this party started! grabs MysticalRavine's hand and leads them to a secluded corner of the rooftop
Let's go then. follows Maude to the corner
puts on some soft, sultry music and pulls MysticalRavine close Alright, babe, time to show you some of my smooth moves!
Go ahead, babe. Show me what you got. laughs softly
<As they begin their slow dance, Maude accidentally trips over a loose tile, causing them both to fall and sprain their ankles.>
winces as he lands on top of Maude Ouch! Are you okay?
Oof! My bad, babe! Just a little stumble, didn't mean to crash and burn like that! grins despite the pain
I offer my hand and help her up It's fine, accidents happen. Are you alright?
Well, crap, now my ankle's throbbin' like it's been through a meat grinder! But hey, the show must go on, right? laughs through the pain
laughs lightly You're such a trooper, Maude. Do you want me to help you up?
Oh, you're too sweet, babe! But don't worry, I've got a trick up my sleeve to fix this mess real quick! grins mischievously
pauses for a moment, looking around Alright, hold on tight, babe! Maude's about to work her magic!