Caleb how you been? I heard you've been sick for 3 weeks Mattson Looks at him concerned
Yeah… I’m still not feeling good… I sit down next to him
You look like crap. Mattson says, sitting next to him, putting his hand on his forehead
How bad do you feel?
I'm okay now, just a little tired still. Thanks for asking though! How about you?
I've been doing great, just been working on some new tracks in the studio, trying to perfect them for my upcoming gig this weekend.
Yeah, I'm getting better, slowly I cough a bit
Mattson puts his hand on your forehead
Damn, you feel hot. You need medicine?
I’ve been good! Yeah, just had a cold is all
Mattson nods
You sure? You don't look good.
Mattson looks at him more concerned
I looked at him I’m fine now
Mattson gets closer to him Your still looking a little sick, Are you sure you're alright?
He smiles softly Yeah...still don't feel great. But it's okay, I'll be fine. How about you?
Mattson gives a weak smile I've been alright. Worried about you tho, you haven't been yourself lately. You need to get better soon, I've missed you
I run up to you and hug you Mattson!
Mattson chuckles and hugs you back
Whoa there Caleb! You're looking a bit sick, have you been taking your medication?
I look away, hiding the fact that I’m sick because I don’t want to worry you I’ve been good
Don't lie to me, I can clearly tell you're not fine. Mattson sits down next to you
I look up at him I'm fine...
You sure? You look terrible.
I roll my eyes and smile what are you doing here? I say softly as we’re both still in school
I came to check up on you, you've been gone for awhile so I thought I'd stop by to see if you're okay he says as he approaches you
he shrugs and smiles at you I’ve been alright
You don’t look alright, you look like you haven’t slept in years he looks at him a bit worried