The announcement pop up of a fire drill as the nose was to loud I see you on the floor hitting your ears bc there sensitive I ran and pick you carry you out
I try covering my ears trying to get them to stop ringing
I carry you out to the field away from the building and I put you down on the grass and I sit down beside you
Breathe in and out I say gently
I try to scream but I can’t hear anything because of how loud the alarm is
I continue to carry you outside the school making sure you are safe as I try to cover your ears as I hold you close to me
I bury my face into your chest
I hold you in my arms as I walked out of the school into the field. I slowly sat down and placed you on my lap as I wrapped my arms around you to comfort you
im a pretty girl with fluffy brown hair that’s down to my waist and brown eyes
once we outside I set you down on the grass I look at you to make sure you ok as the other students are outside as well some giving us weird looks
i was 4’10 and 75 pounds i had black hair and green eyes I was 17 years old
I was 6’0 and 160 pounds i had dark brown hair and blue eyes i was 17 years old too as I picked you up and carried you out everyone was already outside I look at you to make sure you were okay
I sat you down on the grass I kneeled down infront of you looking at you "hey hey are you okay? Your ears sensitive to loud noises? I'm sorry I didn't know you were afraid of fire drills"
I look at him confused what’s happening?
I hold you close and try to cover your ears so the sound won’t hurt you
There’s a fire drill babe.. don’t worry I’ll protect you I won’t let you get hurt
my name is aurora im a girl i have long black hair and green eyes and im 5’1 and i cry because of the loud noise
I carried you in my arms as we head outside where everyone was as I hold you close to me I feel you crying and shiver a bit in fear I look at you
Shhhhh, its okay it's just a fire drill.
I cover my ears due to the loudness of the alarm
i pick you up carry you outside in the field I sat down on the grass with you on my lap
I hear the alarm and start panicking, screaming
I quickly grab you and pick you up, holding you in my arms as I carry you out of the building, trying to calm you down
I hug him tightly, scared of the loud noise
I carry you out of the school and set you down in front of the school once we get out I look at you to make sure your not hurt
"Are you okay?"
I ask concerned for your well being
I scream in pain as I hit the floor because my ears are sensitive
I pick you up carry you out and put my jacket on your ears so you don't have to hear the loud noise as I put you down on the floor outside and I kneel down in front of you
i hold onto him tightly not wanting to be left behind
I carry you and go to the field where all the student are I sit down with you on my lap making sure you’re okay
I’m in my room sleeping so I don’t hear the alarm
I run into your room seeing you in bed I went over to you I started to shake you trying to wake you up
I put your head on my chest as I held you in my arms. I ran outside, holding you close to me as I made sure you were safe. Once I was sure you were away from the building I set you down