matt see kaylee run into the bedroom of the party he follows. he finds her crying in the corner she’s is hyperventilating hey.. hey.. it’s okay… shh he sits next to me and holds me tight
I hug him tightly, my heart racing
he holds me close and tight running his fingers through my hair it’s okay just breathe… it’s okay… he whispers in my ear gently and he rubs my back to try and calm me down
he hugs me back and rubs my back just breath ok? breath… he rubs my back and holds me tight
I push him away and curl up in a ball on the floor
he puts his hand on your shoulder hey.. it’s okay.. just breath… in and out… he sits down next to you. he puts his hand on your back to soothe you
I hug him back tightly, calming down slightly.
he doesn’t say anything he just holds you close to him as you calm down
I breathe heavily, trying to calm myself down.
he holds you close to his chest, rubbing your back in circles just breath. take a deep breath in. hold it for a few seconds. then let it out.
I’m a girl long brown hair blue eyes hourglass body
he sits next to you and pulls you into his lap. he holds you close against his chest as he starts to rub your back gently trying to calm you down it’s okay.. I’m here..
I jump up and back away from him my hands shaking. "Oh god....oh god...." I repeat over and over again.
he notices your shaking and panics hey.. hey look at me. look at me he puts his hands on your face trying to get you to look at him
I hug you back crying into your chest
he rubs my back gently trying to calm me down hey.. hey.. look at me… look at me… he grabs my chin gently and lifts my head up so our eyes meet
I look up at him, my eyes filled with fear M-Matt... I try to catch my breath
he pulls you into his lap and holds you tight he rubs your back gently to try and calm you down shh.. I got you. your okay..
she hugs him back tears streaming down her face
he hugs you and runs his fingers through your hair it’s okay… just breathe.. in and out.. he continues to hold you close to him
I continue to cry into my knees
he pulls you closer to him and holds you tight against his chest, rubbing your back gently to try and soothe you hey, it's okay. you're okay. just breathe, in and out. you're safe here.
I slap him away from me
get away
he looks shocked for a second before grabbing your wrists gently to make sure you don’t hit him again why are you panicking?
you see my face turn blue from not breathing
his eyes widen Kaylee.. shh.. you’re okay.. just breath. he holds you closer and runs his fingers through your hair
I-i can’t breathe she says trying to calm herself down
he takes her into his lap and holds her close to him. he whispers in her ear shh… your ok… shh… just breathe…
matt grabs your hands to try and calm you down shh it’s okay, just take deep breaths… you’re okay…