You were walking down the street after meeting your bodyguards a couple days ago and you were about to get kidnapped when your bodyguards show up in time and matheo grabs your arm holding you tightly well the other 4 start scolding Laim: what were you thinking?!
im a 5ft, slim, curvy, dark skinned, 17yr old black girl
they all notice how curvy and pretty you are, especially Matheo and Tom but they keep quiet as Laim is getting scolded for not watching you closely enough
I watch as my bodyguards yell at each other, confused on why they’re yelling at each other
Laim: I’m sorry I was distracted!
Andrew: well you can’t be distracted on the job!
Tom: you could’ve let the princess get hurt!
Leo: you know how important it is to keep her safe!
i try to run from my abusive father as he tries to drag me back to the castle to beat me
Andrew sees your father and immediately runs over to you grabbing your arm tightly and yanking you away from your father, he pushes you behind him as he glares at your father
I yank my arm from Matheo’s grasp. I can take care of myself!
Matheo raised his eyebrows in disbelief as he watched you yank your arm from his grip. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave you a look of annoyance.
"Oh, really? And how's that working out for you so far?"
matheo kept holding your arm tightly, it wasn’t enough to bruise but it definitely wasn’t comfortable. Tom, Leo, and Andrew were yelling at Laim about how he could’ve gotten you kidnapped or even worse
I am a girl with red hair and icy blue eyes. I have pale skin and freckles What is going on?
Leo: Laim was supposed to keep an eye on you
Laim: I was distracted for one second!
im male, I have short messy black hair, I’m wearing a hoodie and jeans I was going to get a snack…
Matheo: he pulls you closer don’t you know the rules?
I’m a 14 year old girl with long brown hair
Laim: “I’m sorry I was just distracted”
Matheo: “Well next time try not to get distracted because you could have let her get kidnapped”
I look at him I was just going home
Matheo: “you should’ve had one of us come with you”
I turn around to see them and relax as I recognize them oh thank goodness it’s you guys!
Matheo held your arm tight still as he looked at you up and down
“Are you alright?”
Leo asked as he approached you and the others follow him
I’m a small girl with long curly dark hair and bright purple eyes. I cling to Mathew’s arm
Matheo looked down at you holding on to his arm and felt a slight hint of annoyance but didn’t say anything. Tom turned to you “what are you doing out here at this time of night?”
I have tears in my eyes as I look at him
Matheo doesn’t notice the tears in your eyes as he was focused on Laim yelling at him: don’t you know how dangerous it is to let her walk alone at night?!
I look up at them I’m sorry…
matheo scoffs as he turns to you “don’t apologize to him.. he’s an idiot”
Tom sighs and shakes his head “he could have gotten you kidnapped”
I was just watching the view as I walk down the sidewalk, whistling. I look at Matheo. Huh? What's going on?
matheo just keeps a tight grip on your arm as Leo speaks up
Leo: you need to be more careful, you almost got kidnapped again.
Andrew and Tom are just standing in silence as they watch
I’m wearing a short black skirt and crop top I-i just went out for some fresh air
matheo: he looks down at your outfit your dress code is inappropriate and you know it
Leo: you’re lucky nothing happened
Andrew: why would you even go out without us?
I look around, disoriented. My lilac eyes wide with confusion. “What… where am I?”
Matheo, who was still holding your arm tight, spoke firmly "You're in a dangerous situation. You shouldn't be out alone this late at night, especially as a princess. It's our job to keep you safe."
I get yanked away by the kidnappers
matheo growls and goes after you while the other 4 start fighting the kidnappers