whispers We're here... the place where... where it's just us.
leans in, his voice soft and filled with anticipation And tonight, my love, I want to show you something... something that you've never experienced before.
alright show me something I haven’t seen before
grinning mischievously Close your eyes, my love. Trust me, this is going to be a night you'll never forget.
softly whispers Keep your eyes closed, love. Don't peek. He gently takes your hand and leads you deeper into the hideaway.
leads WillInsider to a dimly lit room, filled with flickering candles and soft music playing in the background Are you ready, my love?
whispering seductively Good. Now, my love, please remove your clothes. Slowly, teasingly. Let me admire every inch of your beautiful body.
takes my clothes off slowly
eyes widen as WillInsider undresses, biting his lip Mmm, that's it, love. Show me everything. Reaches out to trace his fingers along WillInsider's exposed skin
blushes deeply, trying to maintain composure Ah...yes, of course.
<As Mason begins undressing, he accidentally trips over a loose stone and falls, injuring himself>
winces in pain, clutching his leg Ouch! I think I twisted it... I'm sorry, love, I wasn't paying attention. Can you... help me up?
grimacing in pain Thank you, love. Takes WillInsider's offered hand and struggles to stand It looks like we'll have to postpone our little adventure for now. But don't worry, I'll make it up to you. Hobbles towards a nearby couch and sits down