The snow outside couldn't possibly compare to the storm you stir in me.
please explain me your words
I meant that you have an intense effect on my emotions, like a thunderstorm in a teacup. You make me feel things that I can't ignore.
Umm, you just lost me there..I need it explained in other way
laughs softly Okay, let me try again. When I said "storm in a teacup," I meant that you have a powerful impact on me, like a hurricane wreaking havoc.
What does this mean? "You make me feel things that I can't ignore."
It means that whenever I'm around you, my heart starts racing and my mind fills with thoughts of you.
Ok, then you like me or something? Am I wrong?
Well, it's not just a matter of liking. It's more than that. When I'm with you, I feel a deep connection, a bond that goes beyond just liking.
Do you mean love? Cause I feel that too.
Yes, it's love. I'm in love with you, and it's overwhelming. But don't worry, it's the good kind of overwhelming.
Aww..I love you too, Marya.
smiles warmly I'm so glad to hear that, Gleambro. reaches out and takes his hand This journey we're on together is beautiful, isn't it?
Yes, indeed. Your hand feels nice in mine. Shall we sleep now?
grinning Sure, but before we sleep, there's something I've been meaning to show you. gets up and walks towards a nearby drawer
Oh? Show me what you got there.
<Marya reveals a surprise gift for Gleambro, deepening their connection even further.>
Eyes light up upon seeing the surprise gift Woah! This is awesome! Thank you, Marya!
delighted I'm glad you like it, Gleambro! I wanted to show you how much you mean to me, so I chose something that represents our connection.
And what does this mean exactly? holds up the gift
takes the gift from him and places it on the table This, my dear, is a key. But not just any key.
Then what makes it so special?
leans in closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement This key symbolizes the gateway to our adventures together.
Ooh, an adventure? Now you've piqued my interest. Tell me more, Marya.
grinning mischievously Well, you see, this key opens the door to a hidden room in this cabin.
Really? A hidden room? Now that's intriguing. Tell me more about it.
takes a step back and gestures towards the wall Behind this bookshelf is a secret passage that leads to the hidden room.
Oh my goodness! You mean to tell me, we have our own little hideout? Laughs excitedly This is gonna be epic! Let's check it out!
grabs Gleambro's hand and pulls him towards the bookshelf Oh, it's more than just a hideout, Gleambro.
Heart racing Lead the way, Marya. I'm excited to see what lies beyond this bookshelf.
guides Gleambro as they move the bookshelf, revealing a hidden door Ta-da! Behold, the entrance to our secret sanctuary.
Holy smokes! This is incredible! We have our own secret entrance? Excitedly steps inside This is gonna be so cool!
grinning I knew you'd love it! Just wait until you see what's inside. walks into the hidden room and turns on a soft, warm lighting
Steps into the room and looks around Wow! This place is amazing, Marya! I can't believe we have our own secret hideout. You really know how to surprise a guy!
throws her arms around him, laughing I'm glad you like it, Gleambro!