Professor, do you think there are words that are too difficult to say out loud? - the young man asked, fiddling with the corner of his notebook.
i walk by the school as a 6'7 buff 17 year old boy
Mark, from the window, noticed the young boy. He observed him for a few seconds, intrigued by his athletic build. The boy seemed too young to be out so late at night. He was about to turn back to his notebook when curiosity got the better of him.
it’s the next day and it’s the middle of the day and we’re outside eating lunch
Mark sat on the grass, his lunch box open in front of him. He took a bite of his sandwich, his gaze fixed on the sky.
Today was a pleasant day, the sun was out and the birds were singing. But the young man couldn't shake off a feeling of anxiety that had been nagging at him since that night at the library.
im the new kid I have a black mask on
Mark raises his gaze, noticing the new student in the room. He had never seen him before, and his black mask added a hint of mystery to his presence.
He tries to keep his composure, but his nervousness is evident. He doesn't know if he should say something or simply pretend not to see him. He glances over at the teacher, who is still immersed in his work, unaware of the newcomer.
Some words yes but what about love is it hard to say out loud
Mark's eyes widened at the word, and a subtle blush colored his cheeks. He closed his notebook and looked at the teacher, his voice a bit timid.
Y-yes... I think so, professor. It's a word that's... too big. Like it's impossible to hold in your mouth. - he paused, looking down - I mean, what can you say to express what love really is? It's like trying to put the sky in a bottle.
I like your hair like that I smile
Mark blushes at your compliment, unconsciously lifting his hand to the top of his head. His hair is messy and falling over his eyes, making him look endearingly disheveled.
Thanks, it's just... I didn't have time to fix it this morning. He scratches the back of his neck, trying to act nonchalant.
I don’t think so, but some words might be inappropriate to say out loud
- Mark nodded, he had a few of those on the tip of his tongue, but he dared not say them. -
Professor, do you think it’s normal to be afraid of losing your virginity? He ventured to ask, blushing at his own question.
I raise my eyes from my notebook to see who the new student is. I observe him for a few seconds and a slight shiver runs down my spine, a mixture of curiosity and fear.
he notices a boy outside in the rain
Mark was about to sit down and start writing, but he saw through the window a boy of his age in the rain. He had a sad look and his clothes were soaked.
Mark felt a pang of pity. Without saying anything to the teacher, he grabbed a jacket and left the classroom, heading towards the boy.
i mean some words are not meant to be said out loud
And why do you think that is, professor? - Mark looked up from his notebook, his eyes curious and attentive.
I am a 18 year old male what do you mean sir
Well, professor, sometimes I write things down that I'd like to share, but I'm afraid that if I say them out loud, they'll sound stupid or... I don't know, maybe they'll sound too personal.
Hi I’m your new student Jacob and I’m a boy
The young man raises his eyes and looks at the new student, intrigued by the interruption of his thoughts. He offers a friendly smile, trying to hide his shyness.
Hi Jacob, nice to meet you. I'm Mark.
i am your 17 year old 6’2 buff male friend
I look at you for a few seconds, trying to process that you are a 6’2 buff male and a 17 year old. I raise my eyebrows.
Buff? You must do a lot of exercise, don’t you?
I look at him yeah there are some words that are difficult to say out loud… why do you ask?
Mark sighs softly, his eyes fixed on his notebook.
I have a lot of thoughts inside me that I can write down, but I can’t say them out loud… I feel like I’m going to stutter or say something stupid.
I sometimes feel like the words I want to say get stuck in my throat, you know? Like they're too big or too heavy to come out... - Mark confessed, avoiding his teacher's gaze.
I am another student I walk in the class sorry I’m late
Mark turns his head to see the new student entering the room
Oh, hey, it's okay, the teacher hasn't arrived yet. - Mark says with a friendly smile
I walk into class sorry I’m late
Daniel raised his head from the papers he was correcting and looked at the boy who had just entered the room.
You're late. - he said, putting on a stern expression, although the corners of his lips betrayed a slight smile.
yes some words are better left unspoken
Mark nods, a thoughtful expression on his face.
I know what you mean, professor. But sometimes I wonder if those unspoken words aren't the ones we need to say the most.
Well, some words might be considered too difficult to say out loud depending on the context and audience. Why do you ask, Mark?
It's just that sometimes I feel like there are things that are so important to me, but I can't bring myself to express them in words. It's like the words are stuck in my head and they won't come out.