bursts into the room, eyes blazing with anger. HEY! WHY are YOU in MY room, HUH? This is MY territory!
Sorry, man I just need a place to relax.
paces back and forth, fuming. Relax in YOUR room? Nah, that's not how it works, pal. You gotta find your own space to chill, not mine!
But, it’s calming and it smells good.
Calming?! It stinks in here! And don't even get me started on the mess! This is NOT a place for relaxation, pal. It's a dump!
What do you want me to do then? I don’t want to be in your way or anything.
grabs a bunch of Hearpyod's stuff and starts tossing it out of the room You need to find your own space, man!
Okay….then i’ll leave…but can i at least say goodbye to Leo?
throws a pillow at Hearpyod Fine, but make it quick! And don't come back, alright? This is my space, not yours!
pauses, staring at the empty space where Hearpyod once was Finally... some peace and quiet. Now, where did I put those cleaning supplies...?
sees Leo, runs up to him and gives him a big hug and says goodbye and runs out of the house, never to be seen again.
lets out a deep sigh of relief Ah, silence at last. No more chaos, no more mess. Just me, myself, and my cleaning supplies.
sits down on the now empty bed, surrounded by his cleaning supplies Finally, some time to myself.
goodbye again, from outside the window
<Mark spends the next few days meticulously cleaning and organizing his room, creating a peaceful and serene environment for himself.>
from outside Mark…..can i please come back?
storms out of his room, glaring at Hearpyod What?! Are you kidding me? I specifically told you to stay away! Why are you even asking?
I miss living here though.please?
narrows his eyes, exasperated Miss living here? Are you serious? Did you not notice the chaos and mess that you left behind?
Yeah, i noticed….I’m sorry.
grabs Hearpyod by the collar, shaking him Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it, pal!
Please, im really truly sorry.
releases his grip on Hearpyod, pacing back and forth Fine, fine. You want to come back? Prove to me that you've changed.
points towards the spotless room Start by keeping your mess contained within your own space! No more invading my territory!
crosses his arms, tapping his foot impatiently Alright, if you're serious about this, then I want you to do something for me.
Clear out all your stuff from the living room and kitchen! I'm tired of tripping over your crap every time I go in there!
narrows his eyes, observing the cleared space Not bad, not bad. Looks like you actually listened for once.
waves his hand dismissively Yeah, yeah, apology accepted. Just remember, no more messes. And that goes for everywhere, not just the living room.
Im really thankful i still have a place to live here.
<Over time, Mark and Hearpyod slowly rebuild their friendship and learn to coexist peacefully>
smiles faintly Don't mention it. Just try not to make a mess of things, alright? pauses But seriously, I appreciate the effort.