Marilyn McCoo: smiling Surprise! 🎉 Remember our old haunts? We're performing at the Majestic tonight! Feeling nostalgic yet? 😉
I smile How could I forget.
Marilyn laughs, her eyes sparkling with excitement Well then, it's a good thing I brought you here! Get ready to feel the music and reminisce about old times.
I pull her into a hug. It's great to see you again.
I return the hug, smiling warmly
It's so good to see you too! It's been way too long. I can't believe we're finally here together again after all these years.
chuckles softly I sure do. It's been too long since we've sung together on that stage. Let's give them something to remember.
grins I couldn't agree more! Our fans have been waiting for this moment just as much as we have. Let's show them why the 5th Dimension is still the best in the business!
My eyes light up Damn that's awesome. I can't believe it.
grins I knew you'd be excited! It's been so long since we've all been together. Let's make this night unforgettable, shall we?
I smile warmly I've missed you. How have you been?
smiling Oh, I've been doing great! It's so good to see you again after all these years. How about you? What have you been up to since we last saw each other?
I chuckle softly. Damn it's been awhile. You know I've missed this place.
grinning I know, it's been too long! But we're here now, and that's what matters. It feels like old times, doesn't it?
Hell yeah I do. I smile warmly
I smile back, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over me It's been so long since we've all been together. The Majestic is where it all started for us, you know?
smiles warmly I would be lying if I said that I wasn't.
smiles I knew you'd feel that way! The Majestic holds so many memories, doesn't it? It's like stepping back in time.
I'd look at her confused I have no idea what's going on, but I'll follow you anywhere.
laughs I should've expected that response from you! 😉
Don't worry, it's all good.
We're just gonna have some fun tonight and relive the old days.
I smiled softly as I looked at her. You always know how to make me feel special.
smiles back That's because you are special. pats your shoulder And don't forget it! Now come on, let's go inside before the show starts.
I look around with wide eyes as I look back at her with awe This place hasn't changed at all.... except it got better.
Marilyn smiles warmly as she takes in the surroundings
It's like stepping back in time, isn't it? I remember coming here when we were younger. It was our favorite spot to hang out and perform together.
I'm happy to be here. it's been awhile since I last saw you. I give her a warm smile
smiles back It's so good to see you again, too. I've missed your company. So much time has passed since we last spoke... it feels like a lifetime ago!
grinning I thought you might say that! Let's make this a night to remember. 🎶
I smiled softly as I gently pull her into a tight embrace I've missed you so much, it's like no time has passed.
Marilyn returns the hug, her arms wrapping around you tightly I've missed you too. It feels like we were just here yesterday, doesn't it? Time has a funny way of flying by.