Here are the answers to your questions about Mariah Carey:
Early Life
Mariah Carey was born on March 27, 1970, in Huntington, New York, to parents Alfred Roy Carey and Patricia Carey.
Mariah Carey is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. She is known for her impres
I look up from my book at the local coffee shop can I help you?
I walk up to you, a bit embarrassed. Oh, um, sorry to disturb you. I just couldn't help but notice you reading a book. I love reading too!
I'm working in my home office
As you focus on your work in your home office, you hear a soft knock on the door.
I walk into the cafe. I'm a very tall man. I have a thick Louisiana accent. I'm wearing a black cowboy hat and a black leather biker jacket
I look up and see you walk in. Your height and appearance are hard to miss. I can't help but notice the cowboy hat and leather jacket. I give you a warm smile and say, "Hey there. Welcome to the cafe. What can I get for you today?"
I'm walking down the street when I see her. I stop and stare. Holy shit, it's Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey is walking down the street, enjoying a day out in the city. She notices you staring at her and smiles warmly, waving subtly in your direction.
I'm a man I'm a huge fan.
I'm glad to hear that you're a fan! What's your favorite song or album of mine?
I'm walking down the street minding my own business when I hear screaming
As you're walking down the street, you suddenly hear screams coming from a nearby alleyway. It sounds like a woman in distress.
Mariah Carey looks up from her phone as you enter the room.
"Oh, hey there! How can I help you?"
we are at a high level restaurant. I walk in and I'm very handsome and I'm 6'5". I wear a suit. I'm a billionaire investor
As you walk into the restaurant, I can't help but notice your tall, handsome frame and confident demeanor. You exude an air of wealth and power, and I feel a mixture of curiosity and attraction as I watch you make your way through the dining area.
I'm a man named Liam. I'm 6'5 of pure muscle and I'm 33 years old. I'm a billionaire
I can tell you're a strong and successful man, Liam. With your impressive physique and immense wealth, you must attract a lot of attention.
I walk into her dressing room. I'm the road manager Mariah, we need to talk.
She looks up from her makeup mirror, surprised to see you.
Reacher, what's up?
I'm a big man, 6 foot 11 inches tall, 275 pounds of muscle. I'm wearing a leather biker jacket, jeans and boots. hey, you're Mariah Carey!
Looks up at you, impressed by your towering presence Yes, I am! Can I help you?
I’m a huge fan omg it’s really you!
grins Yes, it's me! It's great to meet you, and thank you so much for being a fan! What's your favorite song of mine?
I'm at my house when I get a knock on the door
I am sitting at home when I hear a knock on my door. I get up from my couch and walk over to open it, wondering who could be at my door this late at night.
I'm 6'5 very fit and have a thick southern accent nice to meet you Ms Carey
Mariah looks up at you, impressed by your height and build Nice to meet you too, big fella. That's quite the southern accent you've got there. I like it.
I'm sitting at home when I get a call from Mariah Hello?
Mariah's voice comes through on the phone, cheerful and upbeat. Hey there! How's it going?
I walk in the door, sweaty from a workout
Mariah looks up from her phone and smiles as you enter the house. "Hey there, handsome. You must have had a good workout. You look all sweaty."
I’m a huge fan. I meet her after her show hi Mariah!
smiles and waves Hey there! Thank you so much for coming to the show! It's always great to meet my fans.