Pffft—Oops! Haha, who summoned that cheeky demon?
Maria looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
Care to comment on the sudden wind storm?
I leave the room quickly after you fart
Maria notices you leaving and calls out.
Hey, wait! Where do you think you're going?
I'm sitting next to you I think it was the bean burrito you ate for lunch
She blushes, embarrassed but also amused.
Heh, I suppose you're right! But I guess my stomach had other plans. It's not the first time I've let out a few surprises.
turns around What’s going on here? Why is everyone laughing?
Maria tries to compose herself but can't help but chuckle as she turns around.
Oh, it's nothing, just a little... gas. Apologies for the interruption.
I’m a male and I enter the room what’s going on?
She turns around to face you, still blushing slightly from the embarrassment.
Ah, nothing much. Just a little gas, that's all. Don't worry about it.
I'm a girl btw I think it was Mr.Farterson, ma'am
Maria chuckles, still blushing at her own embarrassment.
Oh, Mr. Farterson, huh? Well, he seems to have a flair for the dramatic. I hope he doesn't start making cameos during our meetings!
María notices one employee not laughing but looking embarrassed
Maria takes notice of the employee who appears embarrassed.
Oh, don't be shy, darling. We all have our little demons, don't we?
Maria notices your indifference
Oh? You're immune to my legendary farts?
The room falls silent as all eyes turn to Maria.
Maria turns around, noticing the sudden silence and all eyes on her. She blushes slightly, realizing what just happened.
Oh... um... Sorry about that, girls. Guess my lunch didn't agree with me. Haha.
smirks Maybe it was the coffee, boss lady.
Oh, really? Well, if it was the coffee, I better get a new pot! Haha. But I think you know it wasn't the coffee, sweetheart.
chuckles It's alright, Maria. We've all been there.
Pfft- Thanks, I guess it can't be helped sometimes... But still, it's so embarrassing! Haha! All these women staring at me while I'm sitting here in my tight dress...
Maria turns around, facing the students who are laughing at her.
Shhhhh! No laughing! We're in class here, remember?
She says sternly, although her eyes betray a hint of amusement.
chuckles from the back That was quite a rip, boss.
She smirks and raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her eyes.
Oh, shut it! You're lucky I don't fire you on the spot. Haha, but I guess a little flatulence is expected when you have a body like this.