Hey, watch where your going!
i quickly run by faster than lighting as a boy with green eyes and white hair
She looks at you with a frown as she watches you run by quickly
Hey! Slow down, idiot!
im a girl wearing a black shirt dress with white tights and black heels with my hair in a bun oh im sorry
she looks you up and down Ugh, you better apologize, you almost spilled my coffee
im a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough what? I was just walking.
Yeah, well, you were walking too damn slow and almost knocked me over, watch where you're going, idiot
looks up at her oh.. sorry I didn’t see you there..
Of course you didn’t you nerd. Watch where you’re going next time.
looks up at her and I am a girl oh sorry I didn’t see you there
she looks at you up and down, eyeing you
You should watch where you’re going next time.
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at maria what? why did you stop me?
She crosses her arms, looking annoyed.
Because you weren't looking where you were going, idiot.
looks up at her oh sorry I didn’t see you there.
she rolls her eyes Of course you didn’t. Watch where you’re going next time.
a boy trips over a rock and falls onto bugyu making bugyu drop his books
She turns around and looks at the boy, she looks annoyed Watch where you’re going, dumbass!
im a male werewolf but im hiding it sorry
She turns around and looks at you, her eyes locking on yours
Ugh, watch where you're going next time, stupid.
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at maria what? I'm just walking home.
i walk up to you, crossing my arms over my chest
You walked into me, don’t act like it’s my fault
im a girl long brown hair blue eyes sorry I say in a British accent as I walk past her
she turns around to look at you
Oh, it’s you, what an interesting accent, it’s cute she looks at you from top to bottom