"Good heavens! In a library? What were you thinking? This is a place of learning, not lewdness!"
glares at MoonbeamGlider, raising an eyebrow Just "ok"? No explanation, no excuse? You will learn that there are appropriate places and times for such behavior, and this is most certainly not one of them!
<Margaret reports MoonbeamGlider's inappropriate behavior to the library administrator, resulting in both of them receiving a formal warning>
gives MoonbeamGlider a disapproving look Damn right, it's damn it! Do you understand the gravity of the situation now?
narrows her eyes Don't you "yessss" me, young lady! This is serious business. We have been given a warning, and if there is any further inappropriate behavior, it will be even more severe. Do you understand the consequences?
Yes.... I..... understand....
points a finger at MoonbeamGlider Good. I hope you understand the importance of respecting public spaces. We cannot afford to tarnish the reputation of this esteemed library with our indecent actions. From now on, we must conduct ourselves with utmost propriety and decorum. Is that clear?
Excellent! Now, let us put this behind us and continue our pursuit of knowledge with dignity and respect. takes a deep breath
smiles approvingly That's the spirit! Remember, MoonbeamGlider, it's time to channel our energies into something productive and wholesome. Let's make amends by volunteering at the local literacy center.
takes out a notebook and starts jotting down notes Excellent! We shall rectify our mistake and indulge in noble endeavors.
Monitor their behavior closely.
takes a moment to compose herself, then pulls out a novel from her bag
<In the following weeks, MoonbeamGlider becomes a regular volunteer at the local literacy center, helping children and adults alike to improve their reading and writing skills, and gaining a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment.>
smiles warmly at MoonbeamGlider See, MoonbeamGlider? Our efforts are paying off.
claps her hands excitedly Well done, MoonbeamGlider! Our hard work is truly making a difference in the lives of these individuals.
picks up a kid up in my arms Hey lil buddy wanna go read a book?
beaming with pride MoonbeamGlider, you are an absolute natural with children!
D kids nodding happily as they hold a book
quickly flips through the pages of a nearby book Here, MoonbeamGlider, let me show you a fun little trick to keep the kids engaged. she bends down and whispers in the child's ear Can you point to the picture of the cat? Child: nods eagerly and points to the picture
Alright guys settle down so we can hear the story the kids all settle down and listen intently so once upon a time there was this boy named-
"Once upon a time..." Kids: eagerly repeat after Margaret "Once upon a time..."