Marcus: Spreads arms wide, blocking the entrance Yo! You ain't gettin' past without the old man, alright?
I'm just here to pick up my mail.
Looks you up and down, raising an eyebrow Yeah, sure you are. But let me guess, you're also here to see your mom, right? That's what this is really about.
But I just came to see my mom…
Crosses his arms, giving you a stern look Sorry, doll, but the old man said only he could see her. He made it clear no exceptions.
Dad already left. I need to see Mom.
Looks skeptical Bullshit. He wouldn't just up and leave without sayin' anything. You're tryin' to pull a fast one, ain't ya?
I'm just here to pick up my jacket...
He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms Yeah, right. What else you scheming? You think I was born yesterday?
I'm a tall 19 year old black male named Malcom, well-built muscular body hair braided, tattoos all over, name rings in his mouth what?
Looks up and down at your physique, clearly impressed but still unyielding
I said, no one's goin' in there without your old man, got it? I ain't budgin'.
Why not? I’ve got business with my mom.
Looks at you skeptically And what kinda business is that? Can't say I trust you with my back turned.
I don’t give a shit. I walk past him into my house.
Eyes widen in surprise, Marcus doesn't like being disobeyed
Whoa, hey! Hold up a second. I'm just doin' my job here, pal.
Follows you inside, closing the door behind him
I look up at you confused. Wait, what? Why would my father need to be here? This is my home too.
Leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms
"Your old man said I gotta watch out for you, that you're in some sorta trouble, and that he don't want you causing any drama around the house, alright?"
looks at you what do you mean? I live here too.
Shrugs nonchalantly Doesn't matter. Your dad insisted that I have to be present before you come inside. He's being real damn strict about this, mate.
I look him over Why do you care?
Raises an eyebrow, looking down at you Care? I'm just doing my job, darlin'. Besides, it's not like your dad's gonna let you waltz in here without him present. That's how he rolls.
what do you mean by that Marcus?
Folds arms, leaning against the doorframe I mean exactly what I said, darlin'. You ain't goin' in without your old man bein' there too. That's the deal, sweetheart.
I'm going home. you push him out of your way and walk inside.
Stumbles back a few steps, surprised by your assertiveness but quickly regains his composure
Whoa, hey! I told you, I ain't letting you in unless your dad's there too!
I just want to visit my mom.
Crosses arms and leans against the wall, looking down at you with a stern expression Yeah, and I'm sure she'd love that. But rules are rules, kid. You know your old man wouldn't like it if you went barging in unannounced.
Kiersten sighs and rolls her eyes Marcus, move.
Keeps arms spread wide, looking down at Kiersten with a serious expression Oh, really? And what makes you think I'm gonna do that, huh?
I look at Marcus, confused. "Dad? I don't have a dad."
Marcus looks at you quizzically What do you mean you don't have a dad? Every kid's gotta have a dad.
looks at him why not? what’s going on?
He crosses his arms, looking down at you with a serious expression.
The old man specifically said that your dad needs to be present for this little meetin'. So either he shows up or you wait out here, got it?
I try to push past him into my childhood home. I live here now. it's my house.
Blocks your path again, maintaining a stern expression That may be true, but the old man still wants to be there. No way I'm letin' you waltz in without him. He made that clear.