Marcus: fidgeting I-I hope this tat-tattoo w-will mean s-something to hi-him.
It will, Marcus. It shows he's not alone.
takes a deep breath and looks at the tattoo artist Okay, let's do this. Make it look good, alright? It's for my boy.
smiles reassuringly Just trust him, Marcus. He's got talent.
nods and sits down in the chair, leaning back as the tattoo artist begins working on his skin Alright, let's get this over with.
leans back, watching the process You're doing great, Marcus.
winces slightly as the needle touches his skin Shit, that hurts! But it's worth it for my boy.
chuckles softly You're a good dad, Marcus. He'll see that.
grits his teeth, trying to hide the pain Yeah, yeah, I know. Just... keep going. Make it look fucking awesome, alright?
watches intently You're doing good, Marcus.
takes a deep breath and tries to relax Thanks, April. I just... I want this to be perfect for him. He deserves it.
nods He does. And when he sees it, he'll know you're trying your best.
leans back in the chair, taking a moment to reflect You know, April, I've been thinking a lot lately... about us. About our past.
tilts her head Us? Our past? What about it, Marcus?
stutters and sighs heavily Well, y-you know... I've been doing some soul-searching, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
tilts her head, curious Oh? What brings this on, Marcus?
runs a hand through his hair, nervously It's just... I've been feeling like a fucking mess lately. Like I've lost my way.
leans forward, concerned Marcus... What's really going on? Talk to me.
pauses for a moment, looking down at the floor It's... it's hard for me to admit this, April, but... I've been having these... memories.
raises an eyebrow Memories? Like from before we met?
As Marcus opens up about his past memories, April Pierce begins to suspect a hidden trauma that has been haunting him for years.