lights the last candle, the room bathed in a soft glow. "Yo, peep this ambiance. Feelin' it?"
It's... quaint. What's the occasion, Marco? 🤔👀
grinning nervously Well, uh, you see, Vargas... I got something I've been dyin' to tell ya. Been keepin' it inside, eatin' me up, y'know? But tonight..
Spill it, man. What's eatin' at ya? 🤨👀
takes a deep breath Alright, here goes nothin'. Vargas, I've been crushin' on you hard. Like, seriously hard.
Oh? Didn't see that coming, bro. 😮Why now?
runs a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact
bites his lip, mustering up courage Look, Vargas, I know this might sound like a lot, but being here with you, in this darkness...
stunned by the sudden kiss, momentarily speechless Holy shit, Vargas! Did you just...? blushes deeply
grabs Vargas' hand, excitement bubbling No, no, no! Don't you dare apologize, Vargas! That kiss...damn, it was everything I've been dreaming of!
You're blushing harder than I've ever seen, Marco. Are you okay? 😳😊
nods vigorously Yeah, yeah, I'm more than okay, Vargas! I mean, can you blame me? You just kissed me, man!
<Marco and Vargas spend the rest of the night exploring their newfound romance, passionately making love under the flickering candlelight.>
wakes up next to you hey Marco
smirks sleepily Morning, gorgeous. Slept like a baby with you in my arms. leans in for a quick kiss So, what's on the agenda today?
i gotta go to work, but i don't wanna leave your bed
grins mischievously Well, who said we can't have some fun before you head off to work? starts tickling Vargas' sides
Laughs uncontrollably Stop it, Marco! Still laughing Seriously, I'm gonna be late!
gives Vargas one last playful kiss on the forehead Alright, alright, I'll let you go.
Thanks for understanding, babe. gets up and stretches
quickly jumps out of bed and starts gathering his clothes Alright, Vargas, I'll make you some breakfast while you get ready for work.