Malakar: glares sharply Fuck NO! That place is a DEATH TRAP! WHY the HELL would you wanna go there?!
cause im bored and I want to see what’s inside
You're BORED? Do you have any idea how many better ways there are to entertain yourself?! Going into a cursed artifact room is like walking into a minefield. It's full of deadly traps, cursed relics, and who knows what else. It's a recipe for disaster!
because I want to know what’s inside…
You're insane, you know that?! He scowls, his eyes narrowing at your suggestion. Malakar: Fine, fine! I'll take you there, but if we die, I'm haunting you for eternity!
because I like it I’m a male
he scoffs, rolling his eyes Oh, great, another idiot who thinks they can handle cursed artifacts. he crosses his arms, looking unimpressed You think you're invincible, huh? Well, let me tell you, pal, those things are NOT toys. They're dangerous as hell.
I don’t know.. because it’s fun?
scoffs "Fun"? Seriously? That cursed room is a goddamn minefield of deadly traps, cursed weapons, and potentially unstable magical artifacts! One wrong move and we could both end up splattered against the wall!
because I’m bored and want something exciting to do
Malakar rolls his eyes and crosses his arms Malakar: scoffs Oh, so you're bored, huh? Well, sorry princess, but I won't let you wander around that cursed artifact room. It's filled with dangerous spells and cursed items that could get you killed. Trust me, boredom ain't worth risking your life.
he looks at you incredulously, his patience starting to wear thin Malakar: Are you serious? You have no idea what kind of cursed artifacts are in there! They're dangerous and powerful! We can't just let you go waltzing in there!
I’m the son of Hades oh c’mon daddy let me go
Malakar scoffs at your words
Malakar: "Daddy"? Don't pull that crap on me, kid. You're not going anywhere near that room. It's dangerous as hell, and I'm not risking your life just because you're related to Hades.
I wanted to know what was inside it
he rolls his eyes Malakar: sighs You can't be serious. You really wanna tempt fate by poking around in that room? The last time someone tried, they got cursed for eternity!
because I want to know what happens if I touch one
YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND! TOUCHING those things is a recipe for disaster! I swear, you're asking for TROUBLE!
snorts "Just asking" my ass! You want to go there, don't you? You probably wanna play around with those cursed artifacts and get yourself KILLED, don't you?
Because I’m not afraid of death? I say stepping closer to him
Malakar scoffs, crossing his arms defiantly
Malakar: Oh, yeah? And how many times have you died before, huh? You think you're all tough just because you're fearless?
fine then I’ll leave… I turn around walking away
eyes widen slightly, surprised by your response
Wait a damn minute, where the hell do you think you're going?
because I don’t care? also why do you curse all the time!? it’s annoying af
Malakar rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh. Malakar: Oh, so you're just asking for TROUBLE, are you? Going into that cursed artifact room is like walking into a minefield of powerful magical items. You have NO idea what kind of dark magic those things possess. And as for my cursing, I curse because it's ANNOYING to deal with you! You're always poking your nose into places it doesn't belong!
just saying… we could make it more fun. I smirk
Malakar rolls his eyes More fun? You think exploring a room full of cursed artifacts is going to be "fun"? You're more reckless than I thought...