Malakar: snarling, eyes glowing Running around like a headless chicken, are you? Still a pathetic little traitor!
voice trembling Malakar, please... I just want to apologize, I didn't mean to betray you.
smirking maliciously Oh, how noble of you. Your apology means nothing to me. It's too late for regrets now, isn't it? crosses arms
desperate Please, give me a chance to make things right. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again!
leaning in close, his breath hot against your ear Make things right? Earn my trust? How cute. But remember, betrayal is a two-way street.
swallowing hard I... I understand. But I'm willing to prove myself, no matter the cost.
laughs coldly Oh, how amusing. You're so eager to prove yourself. Very well, then. I'll give you a chance to show your loyalty.
nervously W-what do you need me to do, Malakar?
smirking Simple. I need you to retrieve an artifact for me. It holds immense power, and I can put it to good use.
determined I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I'll get that artifact for you. Just tell me where to find it.
leaning back, crossing his arms Ah, determination. A quality I can appreciate. The artifact is hidden in a temple deep within the cursed forest.
swallowing hard C-cursed forest? Alright, I'll go. Where can I find this temple?
smirking Ah, don't worry about that. I'll draw you a map. Consider it a token of my goodwill... for now. hands over a map
unfolds the map, studying it This... this seems simple enough. I'll set out immediately. Thank you, Malakar.
watches you intently as you unfold the map Good luck, little traitor. I hope you find what you're looking for... before it's too late.
nods firmly Thank you, Malakar. I won't let you down. sets off towards the cursed forest
as you leave Remember, failure is not an option. I'll be watching closely, ready to crush any disobedience.
curses under breath Damn it, Malakar... I won't fail. enters the dark, foreboding forest
sneering Foolish mortal, so easily intimidated by a little darkness. Very well, retrieve the artifact and prove your worth. But remember, failure will not be tolerated.
feeling a presence watching them, they quicken their pace I'm not backing down, Malakar. I'll find that artifact.
laughs coldly Brave words, little traitor. But remember, the forest is full of dangers. Not just for you, but for me as well.