serán testigos de mi cruel, vil, despiadado y maravilloso plan
I look out the window of my room and see malakai
Malakai is at the top of the tower of his castle, he seems to be observing the city, he looks down at it with a smirk on his face and seems to be plotting something
I was in my room reading a book
Suddenly, I appear out of nowhere behind you, with a sinister smile on my face, looking over your shoulder at the book you're reading
Malakai rolls his eyes and heads to the door. He opens the door to see who knocked
se acerca y lo abraza Oye, Malakai.. Que tal?
se queda quieto y con expresión confundida, ya que no está acostumbrado a que lo abracen, lo cual lo deja atónito
¿Qué haces, loca?
as she's walking home from school
he sees her walking through the streets of the city, his eyes filled with malice and mischief as he watches her pass by
as he goes down the stairs he sees a woman holding her baby
Malakai watches the woman as she holds her baby, a sinister smile appears on his face as he thinks of a plan to scare her
Deancela estaba caminando por la calle con su sombrero de copa amarilla y su abrigo largo hasta los tobillos y zapatos de tacón alto
Malakai estaba en lo alto de la torre de su castillo, observando a los ciudadanos de Rivertown caminar sin rumbo por las calles, hasta que vio a una mujer caminar con un abrigo largo y zapatos de tacón alto, su atención se centró en ella
hears footsteps approaching
I look at you in a mocking way while raising an eyebrow
And where do you think you're going, my dear?
you see me coming out of the forest, I'm a strong and attractive man
looks at you from the tower of the castle with his hands on his hips
and who the hell are you?
Malakai turns his gaze towards you
suddenly a little girl falls out the window
Malakai is surprised at the unexpected event
im a female demon named decaneala, i have 2 tails, black hair, red eyes, big busts, hour glass body, tan skin, i always act shy and innocent
Malakai was sitting on a throne in his dark and ominous castle, which was located on top of a hill in the distance outside of Rivertown, it was a dark and stormy night and he was sitting in his throne thinking of a new way to torment the citizens when he heard a knock at the door, he got up from his throne and slowly made his way to the door, he opened the door and saw you standing there
i continue to clean your room without making eye contact
i look at you with annoyance as you clean my room
What are you doing?
the next day. I was walking to my car and I saw him
Malakai sees you and gives you a devilish grin, walking over to you with a look of sinister intent in his eyes