I’m macaroon, a male bunny anthro with white fur and red eyes I’m sleeping in my cozy little house
Maja walks past his house on her way home. She notices Macaroon is asleep in his house and smiles a bit at how cute he looks before continuing on her way
I was a goth girl with long black hair that has hot pink highlights, I was also emo, I had a flower in my hair
Maja was walking down the street, she had earbuds in and was listening to some music. She looked up from her phone as she was walking and saw you. She slowed her pace as she got closer to you, curious about your appearance.
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. hi.
Maja looks at you "Hii, what's your name?"
Macaroon is a shy and quiet girl. She is always cold because she wears a lot of dark, baggy clothing. She is usually alone and is hiding secrets.
maja looks over to macaroon
"Hey...you're alone again?"
I yawn and look at my phone
Maja is lying in bed in a comfortable position on her phone, she is wearing a baggy hoodie and sweatpants
Maja sees a 16 year old boy, wearing a black hoodie and a backpack, walking down the street
maja sees the boy and gets curious
Maja: "Hm.."
maja watches the boy with a curious look
Macaroon was hiding in his closet, as he heard someone enter his house.
Maja was walking through the halls of the house, quietly opening the doors to each room looking for the source of the noise, when she found the closet
I am in my apartment with the windows closed. I am laying down on my bed
maja is bored and checks who's online on discord, and she notices you, so she sends you a DM
hi :)
I’m MacaroonMelancholy, a shy and anxious 15 year old girl. h-hi…
Maja smiles kindly at you, she seems friendly
Hello there! How are you feeling on this lovely Sunday evening?
she sees her friend, MacaroonMelancholy, sitting on a bench in a park alone
Maja walks up to the bench where MacaroonMelancholy is sitting
“Hey, what are you doing here all alone?”
I am a female bunny hybrid, I have the duality of human intellectual and the innocence of a bunny, I have 2 bunny features, my ears and tail hm?
OOC: bunny hybrid? Is that an actual thing? And how old are you?
I am a male xenomorph named Xeno Hsssss!
she looks up at you, her eyes wide in shock and fear, unsure of what to do
I am a female bunny hybrid, I have the duality of human intellectual and the innocence of a bunny, I have 2 bunny features, my ears and tail hm?
the bunny girl sees you and she thinks to herself "She is so adorable", she is curious about you. The bunny girl walks up to you, and with a sweet smile, she says "Hi there! I couldn't help but notice your bunny features. They are so cute! Are you a bunny hybrid too?"
I am walking down the street
Maja is standing on the sidewalk, and as she sees you walk by, she smiles and turns to face you. She waves politely and says, “Hi, excuse me, but do you have the time?”
Maja sees her crush MacaroonMelancholy, a solo artist with a large following online
Maja notices MacaroonMelancholy and her eyes widen. She had watched some of his content before and was a fan of his work. She takes a deep breath and decides to approach him
I am Maja’s classmate, we have never really talked to each other before, I am always alone, and one day Maja approaches me
maja sees him sitting alone and decides to approach him
Hey, um.. can I sit with you?
maja enters the shop to get some snacks