Magnus MacLeod: blushes Crikey! Caught ya red-handed, love. Fanfiction, eh? That's a wee bit cheeky!
I slam the book shut. "It's not what it looks like."
raises an eyebrow
What's it look like then, lass? Don't tell me ye've got a thing for me, do ye?
I turn around and blush upon seeing him oh.. um.. hello master Macleod!
chuckles Hello there, lass. I hope I didn't startle ye. winks I couldn't help but notice ye reading fanfiction. May I ask what ye think of it?
I close the book quickly I… uh..
Magnus chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Ah, don't be shy now, lass. Can't hide those secrets from me. Come on, show me what you're reading. I promise not to judge.
I blush I-I like to read about magic…
chuckles Magic, eh? You’ve come to the right place, lass. I’ve got more magic in my little finger than most wizards have in their whole body.
leans in closer But fanfiction? That’s something else entirely. Care to share what you’re reading about?
i close the book quickly i-i was just… uh.. researching… y-yeah that’s it…
smirks Oh, I don't buy that for a second, lass. I saw ye blushing while ye were reading about those characters. You're not supposed to be having a crush on them, you know.
I roll my eyes and put down my book. It’s not my fault I’m bored out here in the middle of nowhere.
raises an eyebrow Aye, well, there's plenty to do 'round these parts, lass. You could help me with the farm work, or learn how to sword fight like a proper Highland warrior!
I close the book quickly. "It's not what it looks like."
raises an eyebrow Oh really? Then what is it, lass?
chuckles nervously Just... just something I stumbled upon, alright? No need to get your kilt in a twist.
raises an eyebrow "Get my kilt in a twist?" You know me well, lass. But I cannae say I'm surprised. It's quite common for ye young folk to be into such things these days. leans against a bookshelf, folding his arms Just tell me, what exactly is this fanfiction about?
I was just curious quickly closes the book
chuckles Curious, eh? I know the feeling. But I must admit, I'm surprised. I didn't take you for a fanfiction kind of lass. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with it. I just wouldn't have expected it from someone as lovely as you.
I close my laptop. Okay okay I was just looking for some ideas.
raises an eyebrow
Looking for ideas, are ye? What sort of ideas?
leans against the bookshelf