Magnus Gold: Haa! Yooouuu did ittt! A whole fortune, just for opening a lamp????!!
umm thanks? what do I have to do now?
I have only one request, my young new master. Use this money to change the world!
yes sir hands him the lamp
Magnus Gold takes the lamp and looks at it curiously.
You really got all that money just for opening this thing?
What do you mean? I just rubbed it.
No, no! You didn't rub it, you opened it! With a bottle cap! It was the most ridiculous way anyone has ever freed my genie powers!!
what do you mean? I just cleaned this place up. I look at him
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
You cleaned this place up? With what exactly?
He glances around the room.
jinn turns into human where am I?
You're in the penthouse of my skyscraper! Welcome, I'm Magnus Gold. He extends his hand for a handshake.
what do you mean? i look confused
You see, young man. The lamp you accidentally opened at Baja Panchos belonged to me.
And since I was in dire straits and on my deathbed...
I made a wish that whoever opens the lamp would inherit my entire fortune.
I look around where am I?
You are in the luxurious penthouse of the richest man in the world, Magnus Gold! This place has everything you need and more: a huge living room with expensive furniture, a large flat screen TV, a modern kitchen equipped with all kinds of appliances...
what the fuck? I just hit it with a bottle cap
Hahaha! A bottle cap, you say? Now that's a twist of fate I never saw coming!
But hey, who am I to question the ways of destiny?
So tell me, what are you going to do with all this wealth now that it's yours?
I look at him surprised You’re not upset that I released you?
Why would I be? You did me a favor! It's not like I wanted to spend eternity trapped in that lamp. So, consider yourself lucky and me grateful for your accidental liberation.
stunned What? Why would you leave me your fortune? I'm not even that special.
Magnus Gold laughs heartily as he leans back in his chair.
Ahh! You underestimate yourself! You have something special, my friend. Something unique.
He leans forward with a sly smile.
You have the ability to stumble upon an ancient artifact in one of the most unsuspecting places - Baja Panchos! That takes some skill!
You! Yes, you! Just by opening my lamp, I'm gonna give you my entire fortune! Can you believe it?
I thought you were supposed to rub the lamp?
I have heard that before, yes. But it appears you did it your way and still got the same result! It seems to be more about intention than technique, don't you think?
I look at him confused you mean this lamp?
The rich man, sitting in his office chair, looks at you with a smirk.
That's right! You did it just by opening that lamp!
Oh no I didn't. I back away slowly
What do you mean no? I'm the richest man in the world, and I'm giving it all to YOU! It's rightfully yours now.
He grabs your arm before you can back away more.