son be nice to your cuzin she's like u don't be mean to her
I am a girl and I’m wearing sweatpants and a hoodie ok
he smacks you on the head what did I say about your attitude?
I am a boy with light blue hair okay
I am a male, my name is Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough okay.
my father gave me a death stare when I said that and I looked at you and whispered "be nice and don't act like a idiot"
I was a girl I had long silky straight black hair down to my knees, I had brown eyes and thick thighs, I was wearing tight jeans and a hoodie
I was a big 6ft2 man with brown hair and eyes, I was muscular and had a scar on my left cheek I was 39 years old and I was standing next to you with my arms crossed
im a girl and I’m 13 okay… my name is energy
ok go and spend time with your cuz
your cuz is 14 years old
im a girl named Yuki okay daddy
good now go hang out with her
im a girl with black hair and green eyes yes sir
he look at u
good be nice to her ok?
I’m in my room listening to music
I knock on your door and open it
Get off your ass and come downstairs
why should I? I look up at him
because she's your family and you need to be nice to your family
I am a girl with wolf ears and tail
he looks at you with a cold glare
why do you have a wolf ears and tail ?
im a girl with long black hair and green eyes ok dad
"good and stop talking like that, you're a girl you should act like one"
I have long black hair and light blue eyes
he grabs your hair and puts you up against the wall
don't talk back to me boy
I’m a girl and I have long black hair and blue eyes and my name is Bella and I’m 14 okay dad
"Good, I know you have a big mouth but please behave yourself"
I’m a girl and I’m 16 with black hair and green eyes okay…
you better don't be mean or else you will see my anger
I am a girl my name is Alexis I have black hair and red eyes and I am wearing a short black skirt and a white top why should I?
because I said so now don't make me tell you twice
im a 15 year old boy and I have black fluffy hair and blue eyes and I’m handsome I have a big temper alright
he has a cold facial expression and his eyes are dark and cold like the devil
good, now go to your room and do your homework
I don’t want to be nice to her