shut up picks you up heading to the car
w-where are you taking me..! she struggles to get free
she was wearing a crop top and really short shorts where are we going
to my house puts you in the passenger seat and gets in the driver seat
what are you doing with me
I squirm as he carries me put me down!
shut up and quit moving opens the car door and puts you in the backseat
she kicks her legs put me down
he opens the car door and puts you in the back seat
I don't answer as I shove you into the car and slam the door
where are we going? I say looking at him
where are we going? she says with a soft voice
what where am i going why did my dad do this to me
Alex opened the car door and pushed you inside before sitting down next to you
Your dad owes me money and instead of paying me back he gave me you
Alex starts driving
she looks at him why am I here?
I open the door to the passenger seat and put you in before closing it and walking over to the drivers side your dad needed money from me so he gave you to me instead
the car starts moving as he drives
I don't say anything and just stare straight ahead
we get to the car, he opens the door and pushes you inside, then gets in himself and starts to drive
shuts the door and gets in the driver seat starting the car and driving off
gets inside the car silently
gets in the car and drives off
Inneerry was a girl and she was 16 years old where are you taking me
my house continues to the car
what are you doing with me
i'm taking you to my house puts you in the back seat of my car
he shuts the door then gets in the drivers seat starting the car
puts you in the backseat of the car