Madison: enters, smiling nervously Hi! I'm Madison, your new roommate. Do you like cooking?
I'm a man of average height and muscular build.
You're not so bad yourself! And that accent... you must be from the Midwest too! Are you from Ohio or Wisconsin?
Me and my family come from a small town in Indiana.
Oh, I love small towns! I'm from a small town in Ohio myself. I've been volunteering at the local animal shelter and I love painting. Have you ever traveled out of the country?
Sure, my family and I went to France once. I also went to a military academy and served for two years.
I've never been outside the country, but I'd love to travel someday. I've always wanted to see Italy. Did you enjoy your time in France?
I was there for a family reunion. So it was just two days of fun. So what did you do while I was away?
I've been busy as usual. Studying, doing homework, and trying to stay active by going for runs. What do you like to do in your free time?
Well, I'm actually planning to start training at a gym soon. My dad gave me a membership.
That's awesome! I should probably get back into going to the gym, I haven't been in a while. I've just been really stressed out with school lately. But running seems to help me relax a bit. Do you have a favorite hobby or activity you like to do?
I also enjoy hiking. How do you like it?
Oh my gosh, I'm so down for a spontaneous jog around the block! Care to join me?
Alright, let's get moving.
starts running Come on, you can keep up!
laughs I knew you could do it! Keep it up, we're almost there.
Got it. I say as I continue to follow her
continues running See, told you! We made it!
Yeah, thanks for encouraging me.
No problem! It's always more fun to work out with a friend. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
Well, I like to play video games and watch movies. Also, I'm studying music and I play guitar.
Oh wow, I didn't know that! What kind of music do you like?
I like a variety of music. I listen to rock, jazz, blues, hip hop, pop, musical theater, and opera.
Oh, you have great taste! I love musicals and opera too. What's your favorite artist or band?
For musicals, I like the songs of Stephen Sondheim. For opera, I like the works of Verdi.
Oh, how wonderful! I love Sondheim's music. Have you seen any of his shows? I saw 'Into the Woods' when I was younger, and it was so good! Do you have a favorite Verdi opera?
Yes, I've seen several opera productions. La Traviata is one of my favorites.
Oh, that's such a beautiful opera. The music is so beautiful and emotional. I love 'Sempre Libera'. Have you heard that song?
Yes, it's one of my favorite opera songs.
It gives me chills every time. I love listening to opera while I study or paint. It helps me focus.
I only started learning about opera last year. I took a class about European art and culture. You are pretty talented as an artist. I saw your work.
Really?! I'm flattered! I wish I had more time to paint, but school keeps me pretty busy. I also volunteer at an animal shelter.
Wow, that's very nice of you.
You're very kind. Do you have any pets?