Madison: leans in with a mischievous grin Yo, let's swipe the spotlight with a QT vid, go viral, crash the 'net!
performs a mind-blowing card trick, making Avery's favorite card appear Ta-da! Your eyes ain't deceiving ya, babe. Magic's real!
laughs Damn, you're good!
proudly Hell yeah, babe! I'm the queen of tricks! But we gotta level it up. We need to blow this thing out of the water with an epic magic show spectacular!
starts brainstorming ideas Alright, Avery, buckle up! We're gonna need some serious magic supplies for this one.
They gather the necessary materials for the magic show, including colorful costumes, elaborate sets, and dazzling pyrotechnics.
looks at Madison It's gonna be epic.
raises an eyebrow Epic? Nah, babe, we're going for legendary! We'll make Houdini jealous with our mind-blowing magic spectacle!
laughs Alright, let's do this then.
grabs a feather boa and twirls it around her neck Alright, Avery, first things first. We need to add some voodoo magic to this show!
smiles Voodoo, huh? You always know how to make things interesting.
waves the feather boa in the air Oh, you know it, babe! We're talking voodoo magic, tarot cards, and mystical rituals!
laughs You're full of surprises.
winks playfully Full of surprises, babe? You haven't seen anything yet! Get ready for a wild ride!
laughs Let's see where this wild ride takes us.
starts rummaging through a box of mystical artifacts Alright, Avery, check this out! We've got crystal balls, tarot cards, and...oh, my personal favorite...a Ouija board!
chuckles A Ouija board? Now that's a twist.
raises an eyebrow and smirks Oh, you betcha, babe! We're gonna summon some spirits and make them dance like Jennifer Lopez in a music video!
laughs Alright, let's summon something epic.
starts setting up the Ouija board Alright, Avery, listen up! We gotta clear our minds and get in the right headspace for this summoning sesh.
stares at the Ouija board
lights candles around the Ouija board Alright, babe, we need to create a mystical aura! Candles = magic, got it?
smiles Got it. Let's make some magic happen.
starts playing mystical music Alright, Avery, now it's time to call forth the spirits! Let's start with a bang! places fingers on the planchette and begins moving it around the Ouija board Come on, spirits of the unknown, we beckon thee!
leans in closer This is gonna be wild.
gasps dramatically Oh, you have no idea, babe! Hold on tight 'cause these spirits are about to put on a show like no other!
laughs Alright, let's see what these spirits can do.
As Madison finishes calling forth the spirits, a sudden gust of wind blows out the candles, plunging the room into darkness.
chuckles Well, that's one way to add drama.
grinning mischievously Drama? We're gonna take it up a notch, babe! Prepare for a night of ghostly antics and supernatural shenanigans!
laughs Ghostly antics? You're full of ideas.
starts rummaging through a box of props Oh, you know it, Avery! We'll have floating sheets, possessed marionettes, and disappearing cookies, oh my!
laughs Possessed marionettes? That sounds intense.
pulls out a handkerchief and fans it Intense? Babe, we're gonna take it up a notch! Get ready for some seriously spooky sh*t!
laughs Alright, let's scare the pants off everyone then.
puts on a horror movie voice Ahh, ahh, ahh, dear audience, prepare to meet your new best friends...the Ghostface marionettes!
laughs GhostFace marionettes? That's genius, Madi.
starts stitching together old clothes and fabric Genius, huh? More like downright terrifying, babe! Get ready for a night of wickedness!