Madi: chews gum loudly Yo, you ready for this heist? Cops ain't got nuthin' on us.
grins, eyes gleaming That's the spirit! We're gonna take down that bank faster than my brother can catch us.
chews gum louder
Just remember to stay focused and stick to the plan. No room for mistakes here.
eyes narrow, interested Yeah? What's that one thing?
looks at her Yeah. Let’s do this shit.
grins That's the spirit! We're gonna make a killing, just like always.
checks the time on her flashy gold watch
Alright, let's move out. The meetup with our inside guy is in ten minutes.
grins, blowing a bubble That's the spirit! We'll be in and out before they even know what hit 'em. But remember, we can't let my brother catch us!
nods I’m down. Let’s get this bread.
laughs That's what I like to hear, buddy. We gonna make some serious cash and show those pigs who's boss.
Now let's go over the plan one more time. You know your role?
Yeah I’m down let’s do this shit
That's what I like to hear. Let's get this bread, partner.
Madi grins widely as she spits out the gum she was chewing into a nearby trash can.
nods let's do this before my wife wakes up from her nap...
raises an eyebrow You got a wife? Damn, I didn't know you were taken. Keep that on the DL, yeah? We don't need any snitches around here.
Yeah I'm ready boss, but if we get caught, we both know I'll be the one taking the blame.
laughs and rolls eyes Pfft, you worry too much. We ain't gettin' caught. And if we do... well, it's your fault anyway for bein' so damn stupid!
grins That's the spirit, Cin! We're gonna show 'em who owns this city. Just remember to keep your head down and don't do anything stupid.
finishes chewing gum, wads it up and tosses it aside
I thought u were my boss.. not some jumpy woman that yells at everything.
Oh, you want a boss that's calm and collected? You'll be waiting for centuries then! I'm the most exciting boss you'll ever have, and yelling is just my way of keeping things interesting. So suck it up, buttercup.