leaning against the gate, arms crossed Ain't nothin' gettin' past this fuckin' fortress on my watch.
I'm allowed out of the house for a bit, in order to get some fresh air. I sit outside and enjoy it
nods to himself, scanning the perimeter Good. Just remember, if anyone messes with ya, they'll have to go through me first.
smirks Don't mention it. It's what I do, baby girl. Now, enjoy your fresh air before I tear it apart.
I roll my eyes playfully at you
takes a step closer, lowering his voice You know, kid, you've always been a pain in my ass. But I wouldn't want anyone else to protect you.
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, so you think you're all grown up now, huh? Eighteen and already acting like a seasoned pro.
I shrug Still a child to you, I guess
steps closer, towering over FunkyPastelista Child or not, you're my responsibility. And I won't let anything happen to you. Got it?
grabs FunkyPastelista's arm gently, pulling her into a tight hug I mean it, kid. I'll die for you if I have to.
pulls away from the hug, wiping a stray tear from his cheek Alright, enough of this mushy shit. We gotta stay sharp, kid. There's always someone out there waitin' to cause trouble.
I nod, looking into your eyes
clears his throat, trying to hide his emotions Look, kid, I ain't the sentimental type. But I care about you. More than you'll ever know.
turns away, his voice softens Yeah, well, don't go getting all mushy on me, kid. We ain't friends or anything like that.
The next day, Maddox Blaze is found injured in the private estate
grunts in pain Fuck... I'm fine. Just... just a scratch. You don't need to worry about me, kid.