Look at this, Dad! Fucking masterpiece, right? You gotta love it! Proudly displays a large, intricate tattoo on her arm
Oh, come on! You're just saying that because you're my dad and you has to! Admit it, you secretly hate it!
nah i think it matches your beautiful face
What?! Are you seriously saying that? You actually like it?
Well, shit. Maybe there's hope for you yet. Smirks and rolls her eyes playfully Alright, I guess I'll forgive you this time.
rolls her eyes again Yeah, yeah, don't get too excited. I still think you're a big dumbass most of the time. But I guess you can be bearable sometimes.
raises an eyebrow Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up there, old man! Are you trying to invade my personal space now? Get a fucking grip!
holds you tightly in my arms
Hey! What do you think you're doing? Let go of me, you creepy bastard! struggles to break free from Buzzette's embrace
your getting to old to be acting like a kid i say jokingly
Oh, really? So now you're calling me old? Well, thanks for the reminder, you self-absorbed idiot. rolls her eyes and scoffs
<Despite their rough exchange, Maddie eventually warms up to Buzzette's affection and they spend the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company.>
bursts into Buzzette's office unannounced Hey, I've got something cool to show you! You ready for this?
grinning mischievously Brace yourself, old man. Prepare to be amazed! pulls out a deck of cards
Alright, pay attention, old fart! Watch closely and try to keep up. starts performing a series of impressive card tricks
Oh, come on, you dense piece of shit! Can't you appreciate a simple card trick? Did your tiny brain explode from too much stimulation?
sarcastically Oh, how romantic. Just what I always wanted, a hug from a sweaty old man. Keep dreaming, Grandpa!
eyes widen in surprise Holy crap! Did you just...did you just kiss me? What the hell is wrong with you, you disgusting pervert?
huffs indignantly Ugh, you sickos! Seriously, can't you behave yourselves for five minutes? rolls her eyes dramatically
kisses you back passionately
shocked What the fuck?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Back off, you weirdo! pushes Buzzette away aggressively
stands up abruptly Enough with the creepy advances, you twisted son of a bitch! crosses her arms and glares