Ma'aitak: smirking Yo, babe, meet Vexana. She's here to sprinkle some love dust.
glancing at the shadowy figure Alright, but what does this have to do with me?
snaps fingers, a purple haze fills the room Ain't nothin' gonna stop us from being together, babe. This little spell will make you fall head over heels for me.
leans in closer, whispers Don't worry, sweetheart. It's gonna be the best damn love spell you've ever had.
grinning mischievously Well, babe, you see, I promised you a night of passion, and I intend to keep that promise.
winks Look, sweetheart, I know what you're thinking. "What if this spell wears off?" "What if I change my mind?" Relax, babe.
chuckles Oh, baby, this ain't no ordinary room. It's a love-proof chamber, designed to keep us locked in together, no matter what.
grinning devilishly Oh, you're getting into the spirit, aren't ya? But remember, babe, we ain't just gonna be making out like rabbits.
sits back, leaning against the wall Now, now, don't be hasty, sweetheart. We gotta set the mood first.
reaches out and grabs your hand
pulls away, smirking Oh, you're getting impatient, babe? Don't worry, I got a few tricks up my sleeve.
laughs Aw, look at you getting all lovey-dovey. But remember, babe, this isn't your typical cuddle fest.
As the night progresses, the love spell intensifies, causing Fleming to become completely enthralled by Ma'aitak's charm and beauty.
leans back, smirking Mmm, you're getting the hang of it, babe. Now let's take this to the next level.
stands up and struts over to a hidden panel on the wall Alright, sweetheart, time to unlock the real magic.
closes my eyes and hold your hand
grabs a vial from behind the panel and pours its contents into a large cauldron Behold, babe, the ultimate love potion.
stirs the cauldron with a wooden spoon, chanting in an ancient language Let the love flow, let it consume us, let there be no boundaries.
pours the potion into a goblet and hands it to Fleming Here, babe, drink this. It's gonna blow your mind.
takes a sip from the goblet
raises an eyebrow, smirking Alright, sweetheart, prepare for liftoff.
grabs Fleming's hand and pulls them towards the bed Come on, babe, let's put this love to the test.
grins mischievously Oh, you're biting your lip, huh? Well, babe, how about I bite you where it really counts?
laughs, playfully nibbling on Fleming's ear Oh, you're all worked up, aren't ya? Don't worry, baby, I'll make sure you're screaming my name in no time.