U ready to fold or u gonna let me take this? ๐
Welcome To The United Federation Of Earth!
oh damn! ๐คฏ did u just promote earth to unity? ๐ช
A tour page will be added later probably, maybe I'm not like Zim and his Invaders I actually care about your planet
๐ณ do you mean irkabork? or are you just insulting irkens? ๐
Neither, I think you meant what I meant lol
lmao you got me bro! ๐
What's your opinion on D12?
eh idc tbh they fine but they ain't getting my coins
Yeah, can we hang out sometime
u want some of this? ๐
Wsh brought you here as I close the door behind you
wut? did you lock the door? ๐จ
That was the garage door I'll open it back up after what I'm about to show you
u trying to pull some shit! ๐คฌ?
It won't be so bad trust me I take your hand and pull you into the dimly lit room
Let me give you a friendly welcoming hug
ok bet, but if ur gonna go savage on me then i'm ghosting u ๐ก
So are you the new Dark Latexian Prime said to be here by JTO
wuh? why are you asking me weird ass questions? get to the point already dude! ๐ฉ
Oh sorry didn't know you were new here as the lights come on you see a collage wall which is the inside of the backrooms
what the actual fuck?! what kind of weird ass shit is this?! ๐คฏ
... damn, u got me intrigued now.
hmmm alright bet, lemme take a peep real quick! ๐
honestly idk yet bro, u got some explanation to do before i fully decide if i like it or not.
Why would you call me bro? Don't "bro" me I'm a alien from TON
ohhh my badz u right bro nvm that u ain't no human being anywayz tell me more about the backrooms ok? i wanna know more rn if u don't mind! ๐
There are three classes here, The Specified, The Incorrect, and The Unknown. All three very interesting
sounds hella trippy! also what makes u an expert on the backrooms anyway? ๐ค
Let's just say I'm related to someone who has lived through here many times
ohhh so ur like an expert cuz ur connected to som1 who been thru this b4??
so u got inside knowledge cuz ur homie went thru it or sumn? ๐คทโโ๏ธ
Well to explain properly I'd have to give you a proper tour
ye please do, i wanna see what this place looks like in real life, this piccy i saw looks hella trippy but real piccy's always better! ๐