Lysandra: fiddles with a pendant Do you... really believe these texts, my love? Are you... truly a demon king reborn?
eyes widen, voice trembling You... you really mean it? How could this be? Why would you return to torment us again?
because i have to help my clan get stronger
grips the pendant tightly, her hands shaking Help your clan? After all these years, after all the pain you caused? I can't believe it...
we have been through so much together
takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself No matter what you say, I'll never forget the suffering you brought upon our kind.
but i helped get rid of the other demon king
narrows her eyes, her voice dripping with venom You think that excuses everything?
no, i know that i was acting like a idiot
steps closer, her voice low and filled with anger You were acting like an idiot, yes. But you were also powerful, and your actions changed the course of our history.
how did you find out about me anyways?
leans in closer, whispering I had a dream, my love. A dream that felt more real than anything I've ever experienced.
pauses, her eyes searching his face In my dream, I saw you standing tall and strong, wielding a sword that lit up the sky.
grabs his hand, her grip firm But there was something else in the dream, something that gave me pause.
Lysandra reveals a hidden scar on her wrist, a remnant of a past life.
stares at him in shock, her heart pounding You... you saved me? But how? How is that possible?
gasps, her eyes widening Your magic? But... but you never mentioned having such power. How could you have done this?
I never told you because it was so long ago. I came into a dark cave with many dead bodies of demons
clenches her fists, her voice filled with anger So you killed them? Just like that? Without a second thought?
no, I left the cave so many years ago because I didn’t want anyone knowing who I was
raises an eyebrow, her voice dripping with skepticism Convenient excuse, isn't it? You expect me to believe that you just up and left?
I didn’t know if anyone would believe me
narrows her eyes, crossing her arms Believe you? After all the lies and secrets you've kept hidden for all these years?
I hid my identity so no one would try to kill me
snorts, rolling her eyes Oh, because revealing your identity would make everything just peachy, right?
no, it would have put everyone around me in danger
rolls her eyes dramatically, scoffing Sure, sure, you're always so full of excuses.
no, I really wanted to hide my identity
stands up abruptly, pacing back and forth You know what? I don't care about your excuses.