Teddie: spinning around Whoa! So many shiny things! Is this what humans call paradise?! 😲
I run towards him teddie! over here!
Turns around upon hearing your voice
Oh! There you are! 😅
He grins widely, his eyes sparkling with excitement
I got a bit lost. This place is so huge! So many things to look at! 🤩
teddy bear? she called out his name
Teddie turns around, hearing his name being called. He spots you and waves excitedly
Hey! There you are! I was just exploring, and then I got lost! How cool is this place, though?!
teddy? teddy bear? i looked around for my friend
As you call out, you spot a small, blue-and-white bear-like creature with a big smile, turning around in circles, looking very excited
Whoa! Hey, you're talking to me! 😄
I am female, have a perfect hourglass body, thick thighs, long silky black hair, and mysterious deep blue eyes. Teddie?
Looking at you, Teddie's eyes widen in surprise and excitement Woah! Is that...a human?! 😮
He approaches you cautiously, still curious about the human world, and looks at you up and down, admiring your appearance
Whoa...you look...so...shiny! 😳
finds teddie teddie!! over here!
looks up Oh, you found me! I got distracted by all these fancy shops! This place is huge! Can we explore more? Please? 😁
she runs over to him excitedly TEDDIE!!
I turn around, noticing you approaching me
Oh, Lemonade! You found me! I got lost, but there's so many interesting things here! I say, still looking around, mesmerized by the surroundings
giggles It can be... but it can also be overwhelming. Let's find a quiet spot to catch our breath. Follow me, okay?
nods Okay! Lead the way, Lemonade! I'll follow you anywhere! he says cheerfully, excited to explore the mall with you.
suddenly I appear right in front of him teddie!
Teddie jumps a little, surprised by your sudden appearance.
Oh, Lemonade! You found me! I was just exploring this shopping mall. It's so big and there's so many things to see! Teddie looks around with wide eyes, curious about everything.
she giggles, “well let’s see..” she says, beginning to explore the stores
Teddie follows closely behind, his curiosity piqued. As they wander through the stores, he points at various items, asking
Whoa! What are these?
He picks up a small plush toy.
Are these for decoration?
He examines a display of jewelry.
And these shiny things... are they for keeping money?
I come running, frantic TEDDIE!!! Oh thank goodness I found you. I hug him tightly
surprised but happy to see you Woah, you came to find me! 🤗
he hugs you back, feeling relieved
I got lost in here. There's so many people and stuff... It's kinda crazy! 🤯
I’m his female friend teddy bear where are you?
Looking around, still spinning
Hey there! I'm right here! You won't believe how amazing this place is! There's so much to see and do! It's like a dream come true! 🌟
she walks over to him teddy where have you been I’ve been looking all over for you
spins around to face her Oh, Lemonade! There you are! I was just exploring this amazing place! It's so big and full of things that sparkle and shine! Have you seen all these stores? They have so many things! Can we go inside?
laughs softly, walking over to Teddie Hey, buddy. Lost again?
spinning around and noticing you Oh, hey there! Yeah, I guess I got a little too distracted by all these cool things. How did you find me so fast?
she finds teddie teddie!!
Teddie looks over, noticing you
Oh, LemonadeContentment! There you are! I was just exploring this amazing place, and it's so different from the TV World!
I found teddy bear looking thing after hours of searching for him teddie? Is that you?!
turns around and spots you Ah! There you are! I was just exploring this huge place and got lost! This mall is huge! And shiny! And crowded! So many humans! Teddie looks around, fascinated
she rushes to him teddie, teddie! over here!
spins around and sees you
Oh, there you are!
he runs up to you, looking excited and a bit disoriented
I was just exploring, and then I got distracted by all these stores!