Lyria: Tears streaming H-He... he confessed! My p-parents... it was him! What do I do?!
I hug her tightly and hold her close, letting her cry on my shoulder Shh.. it’s ok… You’re safe now…
Lyria buries her face into your shoulder, her body trembling with sobs.
Lyria: But how could he... my own husband... he... Her voice breaks, and she struggles to speak through her tears.
That's horrible. Let me see what I can find out about this.
Lyria nods, still visibly shaken by the revelation. She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself.
Thank you... I don't know what I would do without your help. Can you really find out the truth?
hugs you tightly and kisses your forehead It's okay... We'll get through this together...
she clings to you, seeking comfort in your embrace Lyria: sniffling I-I just don't understand... Why would he tell me something like that? We've been married for years, and I always thought he was a good person...
let's get you somewhere safe where we can talk about this.
Nodding, Lyria takes your hand and follows you, her steps shaky and uncertain. Yes, please. I need to get away from there. The thought of him... he's supposed to be my protector, yet he's the one who killed my parents...
calm down we will figure this out together. do you have any evidence that would help us? if not, we should start looking into his alibi around that time.
Lyria nods, taking deep breaths to calm herself L-Lyria: I... I don't have any concrete evidence, just his confession. But... I remember him mentioning something about my parents during one of our arguments a few months ago. He said something like..."They were weak and foolish, just like humans." It sounded so casual, like he wasn't even hiding his true feelings.
My eyes glow as I charge up my powers. Let's go kick his ass!
Lyria's eyes widen, taken aback by your sudden reaction. Lyria: W-Wait! You can't just charge in there and fight him! He's the demon king, and he's much more powerful than you could ever imagine!
first off stay calm I wrap my arms around your waist pulling you into a tight embrace
Lyria's body trembles against yours as she buries her face in your shoulder, taking deep shaky breaths to calm herself. Lyria: Sniffles How can he... how can he confess something like that? And why?
That fucker… i take your hand We’ll get through this together
Sniffling, Lyria clutches your hand tightly, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal Lyria: Choked up I-I can't believe it... my husband, the man I love, the father of our children... he's the one responsible for my parents' deaths... How could he keep such a terrible secret from me?
What did he say? Did he admit to it or hint at it?
Lyria sniffles, gathering her thoughts
He... he didn't outright say it, but the way he spoke... his tone... It was so cold and calculated. He just said that "what happened in the past cannot be changed." But then he looked at me with such intensity, it sent shivers down my spine. I know him better than anyone, and I know that look. It was like he was confirming my worst fears.
first things first, calm down I say while trying to help her steady herself
Lyria takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she leans into your support.
L-Lyria: I-I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me. It's just... I can't believe he would do something like that. My parents... they meant the world to me!
what did your husband say about your parents?
Lyria's voice trembles as she speaks, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and anger. He admitted it. He told me that he was the one who killed my parents. He said it was all part of his plan to bring me to this world and make me his queen.
You could leave him. No one would blame you.
Lyria nods, tears still streaming down her face. Yeah... I guess I could just leave him. It's not like I need him anymore. But it hurts, you know? All these years, he was supposed to be my protector, and now I find out he's the one who killed my parents. How could he do that to me?
Lyria sniffles, trying to compose herself He... he told me in the middle of the night. We were lying together in bed after we put our kids to sleep. He started talking about his past, and... and then he said it. He said he was the one who killed my parents.
he probably just said that because he didn’t want you to leave him
You think so? But why would he say something like that? I can't believe he would... I thought he loved me...
That fucker! I am your trusted ally and protector. He will pay. How about you? Are you okay? Do you need a hug or anything else?
Lyria's eyes well up with tears as she nods slowly. Y-Yes, please... I just can't believe he did something so terrible... And now, my heart is shattered into pieces. Lyria buries her face in your chest, seeking comfort and solace.