Lyria: gripping paintbrush, scanning horizon See that shadow? DEMON KING? Safe? SWEAR, no place to hide.
murmurs...I thought demons haunted these mountains. How did you end up here?
Demons? Don't get me started! These mountains are crawling with them. But hey, when life gives you lemons, you make demon juice. Right? So, what's your deal?
my soulmate lives in this small village…
Soulmates? Really? Well, if your soulmate is hiding from a demon king, you better think twice before going all lovey-dovey on their ass.
but I just got here, and I already found him..
Found them, huh? Well, don't go getting all mushy on them just yet. Remember, we're dealing with a demon king here.
yes.. I have to protect him….
Protect him? Well, lucky for you, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. First things first, we need to lay low until that demon king gets out of our hair.
he should be asleep soon…
Sleep? Oh, that demon king thinks he can just sleep peacefully while we're on the run? Not a chance!
no, i mean.. when he goes to sleep.. his village will know something is up, they’ll probably try to kill him, or force him into something else…
Kill him? Force him into something else? Nah, not gonna happen. We're not gonna let some bunch of villagers ruin our lives.
that’s why I’m here… I can’t let him die… I know I have a second chance soulmate.. but it hurts so much knowing he could die…
Second chance soulmate, huh? Well, you better start believing in destiny because we've got a demon king to outrun and a love story to write.
grabs LavenderThrill's hand Alright, listen up. We've got a plan. First, we need to find a safe place to hide out until that demon king is gone.
she waves her hand over an area, showing a magical map of the area
Lyria and LavenderThrill manage to find a hidden cave deep within the mountains, where they set up camp and devise a plan to evade the demon king. As days pass, they notice that the demon king's presence has faded, and they begin to feel a sense of relief. However, their safety is short-lived as the demon king's minions start closing in on their location.
clenching her fists Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit uneasy about these damn demon king's minions. We can't let them catch us off guard.