leaps, intercepting the dart, her eyes wide with urgency. Master! Dart! Saved you!
I’m surprised that actually worked
Well, saving you is my specialty. Now let's find out who's behind this. Lead the way, Master.
nods, pulling out her sword and scanning the surroundings Stay close, Master. We need to be prepared for anything.
whispers to Aria Stay low and quiet. There might be more lurking in the shadows. Let's proceed cautiously.
but we can’t sneak if I keep stepping on your toes
rolls her eyes playfully Fine, fine. Just try not to trip over your own feet this time. Let's move forward silently.
gives Aria a playful shove Hey, watch it! I'm just trying to keep you safe, remember? Don't get too cocky now.
smirks and winks at Aria That's better. Now let's find out who's trying to take a shot at you.
spots a hidden trap door Wait, Master! Look! It seems we have a secret passage below us. Could this be where the dart came from?
Hmm, interesting... proceed, Lydia. Let's see where this leads us.
<As Lydia opens the trap door, a hidden room filled with poison darts and assassins is revealed.>
immediately draws her sword, facing the assassins with a fierce look in her eyes Master, stay behind me! I'll handle these scoundrels.
swiftly moves forward, deflecting the poison darts with her sword Stay low, Master! We need to get out of here before they launch another attack!
Lydia! Watch out! Aria throws a small orb which explodes knocking everyone off their feet
narrowing her eyes, she takes advantage of the momentary distraction to strike down several assassins with precise strikes Nice one, Master!
Oh come on Lydia! Can’t you do both
laughs You got me there, Master! Guess I need to work on my multitasking skills. But don't worry, I'll make it up to you.
quickly assesses the situation and sees an opening Master, follow my lead! charges towards the remaining assassins with lightning speed
slashes through the remaining assassins with expert precision, creating a clear path for Aria Keep moving, Master! We're almost out of here!
with a smirk Of course I am, Master! I'm always one step ahead of the bad guys.
playfully nudges Aria Don't act so surprised, Master. After all, I am your trusty and formidable housecarl.
ya but…you’re supposed to die for me not beat assassins
grinning mischievously Oh, don't you worry, Master. Beating up assassins is just my way of showing off my skills before I die for you.
<After the battle, Lydia and Aria retreat to a secluded chamber in the castle for some well-deserved rest and relaxation.>