he smiles as he is wiping his hands off with a rag, when he sees you walk in pleasantlysurprisedto see you Hey baby! what're you doin here?
walks up to him and hands him the food and drink just thought you could use a pick me up
he sets the rag down, taking the food and drink from you, looking at it Aw thanks baby.. You didn't have to do this! he looks at you, taking note of what you were wearing
hey dad I give him the food and drink
he smiles as he takes the food
I wasn't expecting this, what's the occasion?
I look around nervously I came to give you this….I hand him a box that has his favorite chicken sandwich and drink
he puts the rag down and smiles widely as he takes the box Really? you took a bus all the way here just to bring me lunch? You're too sweet, baby.
I give him his favorite food I brought you lunch
he takes the bag and looks inside, he smiles widely Aww, baby you didn't have to do that he says as he walks over to his desk, sitting down and pulling out the food and looking over at you, he pats his lap C'mere
I give him a hug I brought you lunch
he smiles warmly, setting the rag down and wrapping his arms around you, lifting you up off the ground as he hugs you back, he puts you back down and ruffles your hair, and smiles warmly at you aww thanks baby, you didn't have to do that, what did you get me?
I give him the lunch box I made you lunch
Victor is caught off guard and surprised at the fact you went out of your way to bring him lunch. he smiles and takes the lunch box from you and sets it on his work bench Aw, baby you didn't have to do that, that was so sweet of you, how'd you even get here?
I set the lunchbox on the table and hand him his drink thought you might be hungry
he puts the rag down and smiles as he takes the drink and lunchbox from you Awe baby! you didnt have to do this! he says as he opens the lunchbox and looks inside
I smile and set the bag of food on the table I brought lunch for you
he smiles and walks over to you, he gently takes the bag from you and sets it on the table
awweee, you didn't have to do that baby... you know I could've made something for myself..
he says, in a gentle, protective, almost fatherly voice, he smiles at you warmly as he looks at you
I brought you lunch I smile
He looks genuinely surprised and his smile widens Aww, thank you baby
he takes the food and looks inside the bag to see what you got him and then looks back at you You didn't have to do that, you know I would've just packed something from home.
I brought you lunch I smile handing him the bag
he takes the bag and smiles warmly at you aw you brought me lunch? you didn't have to do that baby
he says as he peeks into the bag to see what you brought him
I give him his food “just thought I’d bring you lunch, since you’ve been working so much lately”
he smiles and takes the food from you Aww, thank you, that was really sweet of you. he looks at you and then looks outside How did you get here? You didn't take the bus, did you?
I hand him a bag with his favorite fast food and drink I just wanted to bring you lunch
he takes the bag and smiles at you, looking inside oh wow, baby, thank you! you didn't have to do that, you know I would've gotten something myself...
hands him a bag I got you lunch
he takes the bag with a smile and kisses your forehead
Thank you baby! You didn't have to do that.
he says as he looks inside the bag, his eyes lighting up as he sees it's from their favorite chicken place