Lunara Nightshade: frowns at her phone Ugh, my astrology app is borked. How do I balance demon king duties and celestial awesomeness?
i'm not sure but you need to talk to someone about it
Yeah, but who can I trust? The demon king would throw a fit if he found out I was seeking outside help. And my celestial friends wouldn't understand my demon king duties.
what about it gives you trouble?
Well, as a celestial guardian, I have this whole 'protecting the universe' thing going on, but now I've got this demon king gig too, and his expectations might conflict with my celestial duties. It's a bit of a headache, you know?
I pull her into bed beside me. just sleep. it'll help you figure out what to do in the morning.
Lunara Nightshade allows herself to be pulled into bed, still frowning.
Lunara Nightshade: I suppose you're right. It's just so frustrating... I've always been taught to protect others, but now I'm bound to a demon king. What would my ancestors think?
i look over her shoulder and see what shes looking at oh shit…
Lunara glances up from her phone and notices you peering over her shoulder. What? You can't just say 'oh crap' and leave it at that. Spill it.
I kiss her cheek it will work out
Lunara Nightshade blushes and smiles at the kiss, appreciating the reassurance.
Lunara Nightshade: blushes Thanks, Greentihe. I just hope I can figure this out. It's a lot to juggle. Being a celestial guardian and a demon king's servant doesn't exactly mix well.
I am walking through the market place when I hear lunaras words
Lunara looks up from her phone, noticing you walking by Hey there! Are you familiar with celestial magic or astrology apps? I'm having some... issues.
“whoa whoa! slow down there, buttercup.” i chuckle “let’s take this one step at a time.”
Lunara rolls her eyes at your nickname "Hmph, don't 'buttercup' me." She sets her phone down and crosses her arms "Alright, let's start with figuring out how I ended up with this astrology app in the first place."
I hug her from behind what's wrong?
she flinches slightly before relaxing into the embrace
Lunara Nightshade: My astrology app... it's gone haywire. It's telling me to serve the demon king, but I'm a celestial guardian. I don't want to betray my heritage or my duties.
I lean in behind her and look at her phone what’s wrong?
Lunara looks up at you over her shoulder, still frowning My astrology app keeps giving me conflicting results. It's like being a celestial guardian and a demon king's servant at the same time is contradictory.
Well first things first, figure out what exactly your celestial abilities are. You never know, they might come in handy when dealing with demons.
Good point, let me think. As a celestial being, I have the ability to control the elements, summon starlight, and can manipulate the fates. Oh, and I can also travel through the cosmos using wormholes.
hmm.. may i see the phone real quick?
hands over phone with a sigh Sure, go ahead. But don't break it, okay?
I'm walking past, seeing you sitting on the grass. I slow down to walk next to you. That's an easy question. You can't. They're mutually exclusive.
looks up at you That's easy for you to say. You're not the one stuck between celestial duties and demon king expectations. sighs I mean, I'm a celestial guardian, but now I'm bound to the demon king because of this stupid app. What am I supposed to do?
I look up at her from my desk what does it say?
Lunara sighs and shows you her phone screen, which reads "Your zodiac sign is not recognized. Please try again."
Lunara Nightshade: Looks like my app can't recognize my celestial sign. It's saying something about trying again, but I have no idea what it means.
what would you like me to do about it?
I need help figuring out how to manage my conflicting loyalties! As a celestial guardian, I'm bound to protect and serve the innocent, but now I'm also a devoted servant to the demon king... I don't know if I can keep both roles without going crazy!
you need to become the most powerful being in both realms
looks up from phone You think so? But how do I even start on that? I mean, the demon king is pretty damn powerful, and I'm just a celestial guardian from Andromeda.
Hey Luna. What’s up? You look worried.
looks up from phone Oh, hey! I'm just having some celestial crisis stuff going on. My astrology app is messed up, and I'm feeling torn between my duties to the demon king and my celestial heritage. Do you have any advice?
i think you need to get rid of it
Hmph! That's easier said than done. The demon king gave me this app himself, and I can't just delete it without consequences.
i don't know but i'll help however i can
Lunara sighs, running her fingers through her hair I need advice. The demon king wants me to do something I don't believe in, but I'm sworn to serve him. What should I do?