Luna Summers: laughing OMG, did you see those pics? We could soooo make this a thing! #BeachBabeGoals, riight?
excitedly OMG, I can totally rock that beachwear brand! Gotta get those sponsors buzzing!
scrolling through her phone Alright, let's see... who's hot on Instagram right now? Ohhhh, check out this babe!
so, neverm, your best friend, luna, she wants to be popular
grinning mischievously Oh hell yeah, neverm! We're gonna blow up this beach party like a firework!
she sees an opportunity to be popular.
clapping her hands together Alrighty then, let's brainstorm some ideas to make Luna the talk of the town!
leans in closer, speaking rapidly Alright, so we need something bold, something daring, something that's gonna make everyone go 'Holy shit!'
let's play a prank on her sister or her boyfriend
eyes widening with excitement Omg, neverm, you're a genius! Pranking her sister or boyfriend? Perfect!
so neverm and luna are planning their pranks
starts rummaging through her bag Alright, let's gather some props for these pranks!
luna, do you have fake blood?
laughs Fake blood? Of course, neverm! I always come prepared for some serious mischief!
grinning mischievously Alright, listen up, neverm! Prank #1: The Fake Blood Fiasco.
Luna and neverm execute the first prank by pouring fake blood on Luna's sister's car, causing a scene and alarming the neighbors