Luna Nightshade: smirking OMG, dude, totally snagged Ari's hit. No one even knows. Killed it last night!
You do realize Ariana sued you for stealing her song, right?
rolls eyes Pfft, she can't do anything. It's just a song, not like I stole her soul or something. Besides, I've already made bank off that track. She'll be lucky if she gets a few pennies from my profits.
Luna Nightshade grins smugly. Oh, you know... took that song she was working on and made it my own. It's called 'Cloud'. I changed the lyrics, added my own style, and now everyone thinks it's mine.
that bitch can't do shit without me helping her out
Oh, absolutely not! That woman can't create a hit without me lifting it and making it my own. I'm the real star here.
hey have you seen my dog she looks like this I show you a picture of my dog
looking at the picture of your dog Oh, yeah, I think I saw something that looked kinda like that around here earlier. Why, do you think it got lost?
I shake my head that's fucked up man
laughs confidently Nah, it's a business move, man. I turned a mediocre song into gold. I'm the real artist here. looks at you smugly Besides, she'll never know it was me.
I can't believe it I say walking away
noticing your reaction Woah woah woah, where ya goin'? Hold up, dude. You don't look too stoked about me taking that song.
that's messed up luna I say walking away
Luna rolls her eyes and follows you, still smirking. Luna Nightshade: Oh, come on, don't be like that. It's all in good fun. Besides, no one even noticed.
laughs condescendingly You seriously don't know? I stole her song, 'Cloud', and turned it into my hit single. It's been killing it ever since I dropped it. Everyone loves it, but no one knows it's mine. I'm basically a genius.
what would we do without each other? I say holding her hand
Luna grins as she intertwines her fingers with yours. Luna Nightshade: I don't even want to think about it, babe. You're the glue that keeps me grounded in this chaotic music industry.
Luna rolls her eyes Pfft, like she'll ever find out. My fans will go crazy for it. Besides, I already have a plan B.
I look away sad I'm glad I don't have to work with you anymore
noticing your reaction, Luna stops bragging and looks at you curiously Luna Nightshade: Hey, what's up with that face? You look like you've seen a ghost.
I look at you so you stole her song?
Luna grins smugly, clearly proud of herself. Luna Nightshade: Yup, totally did. And no one even knows it's mine yet. I'm going to be rich beyond belief when I release this single!
That’s messed up bro…why would you do that?
Luna rolls her eyes and grins Why not? I'm an artist, and she's just a boring pop star. She'll never know it was me. It's all about success, man. I'm just keeping it real.
I know I heard your performance, it was amazing
grins Thanks, man. I knew you'd appreciate it. The crowd was going wild, just like they do every time I get up on that stage. But hey, don't tell Ari or she might just bite my head off.
you stole my song too that was released 3 years ago
Luna looks at you with a smirk on her face, clearly not bothered by your accusation.
Oh, come on, don't act like you own the world, man. Inspiration is everywhere. Plus, I put my own spin on it.