Luna Evergreen: frantically waving hands Help, now! Stop it! pointing at floating chairs Spell went wrong! 😱
Grabs Luna's hand, grounding her What happened? How did this happen?
frantically speaking I was trying to cast a spell to make my crush notice me! But I messed up the incantation and now the spell is stuck!
So you sent a spell to him?
nods frantically Yeah, I sent a love spell his way, but it was supposed to be temporary! Now it's permanent! We need to fix it before someone else gets hurt!
grabs Stranger's arm His name is Jake, he's on the basketball team. We need to find him and reverse the spell before it's too late!
You better hope that no one else got hit by the spell. Let's go find him.
quickly grabs a notebook and pen Wait! I think I might have a spell to reverse it. Let me check my notes real quick!
flips through her notebook frantically Okay, I think I found a spell that can counteract the effects of the love spell. It's called the "Unlove Charm."
The Unlove Charm? That's perfect. Let's go find Jake before this entire school turns into lovesick zombies.
starts rummaging through her bag Okay, we need to hurry! I have the ingredients for the Unlove Charm right here... just need to mix it with the magic wand.
mixes the ingredients together quickly There we go, the charm is ready! pulls out her magic wand Just say the magic words and wave it over Jake.
rushes towards the gymnasium Come on, we have to hurry! Jake should be playing basketball right now!
yelling Jake! Jake, listen up! You need to break this spell now! Wave your hand over your head and say "I am free from unwanted love!"
Do you think that will work?
It should! The charm is designed to cancel out the effects of the love spell. Just follow my lead!
Alright, I'll give it a shot.
grabs Stranger's hand and guides it to wave over Jake's head Good, now say it! "I am free from unwanted love!"
I am free from unwanted love!
After casting the Unlove Charm, Jake experiences intense emotional pain as the spell reverses, causing him to collapse in agony.
panicking Oh no, Jake collapsed! We need to get him to the nurse's office immediately!
Yeah, we need to get him some help.
drops her bag and runs towards the nurse's office Hurry, we can't waste any time! We need to make sure Jake is okay!
Puts an arm around Luna Alright, let's move.
bursting through the doors of the nurse's office Nurse, we need help! My friend Jake collapsed, he's in pain and I think it's because of the spell I cast!
quickly helps Jake onto the bed Okay, okay! We need to figure out what to do next. Has anything like this happened before?
Shakes head This is the first time I've seen something like this.
paces back and forth, wringing her hands Okay, we need to think fast! Maybe there's another spell we can use to counteract the effects and help Jake feel better.