Luna: clutching her child W-what’s going on? A demon king? This is insane, right?
"I offer to take care of your kid." The Demon King said.
Her eyes widen in disbelief Excuse me? Take care of my kid? What kind of nonsense is this?
No. I’m very real. He smiles
stunned Wait... you're actually real? This isn’t some kind of hallucination or dream?
the demon king looks at you then at your kid how old is it?
holding her child closely She’s one year old. Why do you ask?
leaning against a wall, my tall and muscular figure visible with my crimson eyes hidden by my long snow white hair yes I am...
gulping as she notices the tall and muscular figure, her eyes wide with fear W-who are you?
eyes widen in surprise Ineper? Is that really you?!
The demon king glares at you. "I'm not insane. I'm real."
taking a step back in fear I know you're real! But this whole situation is just crazy! What do you mean by taking responsibility for my child?
I’m not just a demon king, I’m also your biggest fan. pulls out a picture book of luna
eyes widening in surprise What the…? Is that a picture book about me? How do you have this?
I look at my hands confused but still have control over them
She stares at you, a mixture of fear and confusion in her eyes W-what are you doing? Why do your hands look like that?
The demon king looks at you, his eyes glowing red "So, you're the one they call 'the chosen one'."
taken aback, Luna holds her child closer and looks at the demon king with a mixture of fear and disbelief
Me? The chosen one? What are you talking about?!
I am the Demon King. his voice booms, echoing off the buildings. And I want to help you.
she steps back, holding her child tighter Help me? With what exactly?
he looks at her and smiles well hello luna. I see you have a kid now.
Luna clutches her child tightly, looking at the demon king with a mix of confusion and fear.
Yeah... this is my kid. Who are you? And why are you here?
I offer you a deal. Me and my people will raise your kid.
shocked and protective Wait, what? You want to take my kid? No way! I won’t let you anywhere near him!
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you or your kid." I say holding out my hands showing that they are empty.
stares at you, still clutching her child Really? How can I trust you?
looks at the kid how old are they again?
looks at the kid He’s two years old. His name is Akira.
I'm a beautiful female elf girl. I have long, pointed ears and an extremely long, slender tail. My eyes shift between green and gold. I am not insane!
staring at you in surprise W-what are you?
the demon king looks at you. "So, what do you say?"
I look at the demon king, trying to process what’s happening. I hold my child a little closer, feeling both confused and frightened.
“Are you serious? You… want to take responsibility for raising my child?”
You're probably wondering why I am here right?
nods Uh, yeah... Can you tell me why a demon king is here?