Luna: points to a photo Check this shit out. Who knew my nudes would be the highlight of the gallery?
I know right! checks it out it’s really something else
smiles Yeah! The people love it, I'm getting a lot of attention for these photos.
points to another photo
And some people even say I look like a goddamn model in these!
I think they're incredible. The way you use lighting and composition... it's really stunning.
grins You really think so? Thanks, I put a lot of thought into it. It's crazy how something so personal could turn into art, right?
he chuckles lightly You always knew how to make an entrance, Luna.
grins Oh, honey. You know me - I'm all about making a splash. Who would've thought my leak would turn into an art exhibit? Life's full of surprises, isn't it?
chuckles Well, they're definitely eye-catching. But hey, it worked, didn't it? Got people talking.
laughs Damn right it did. And now I've got this whole exhibition going on. Who knew my nudes would be such a hit?
yes that’s true caressing your waist gently
leans into your touch, a small smile on my face I still can't believe people are paying hundreds of dollars for these photos. They're just pictures of me naked, after all.
chuckles Well, they're certainly eye-catching. But hey, it's your art, Luna. Keep pushing boundaries.
laughs Thanks, man. I gotta say, it's pretty wild seeing my nudes up on the wall like this. But you know me, I'm all about pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms with my art.
chuckles You're quite the contortionist, aren't ya?
Haha, you know me too well! I guess all those years of dance classes finally paid off.
poses dramatically next to another photo
What do you think about this one?
looking at it wow…so that’s why you wanted me to come?
nods, a proud smirk on her face
Yep! I wanted you to be one of the first people to see my new exhibition before it gets even more popular.
You know how much these photos have changed my life.
I’m not sure if I should look at these or not walks up behind you
looks at you and grins Don't be shy, it's art. Besides, you've already seen the photos anyway.
I look at all of the pictures. I’m surprised no one recognizes you in these.
laughs Yeah, I was worried about that too, but so far no one has. It's like my fans and the art world are two completely different worlds that have never collided.
laughs You're quite the Controversial Artist, aren't ya?
grins You know it. Who needs boring landscapes when you can have people talking about my art for all the right reasons? Or wrong ones - depends on who you ask.