Luna: humming softly, eyes sparkling Feeeel the magiccc, love. Everrry book here has a seeecret!
i hug her back there’s nothing more i could ask for
Luna grins, returning the hug with warmth and tenderness
There's nothing I want more than to be here with you too. You make my heart dance like the stars in the night sky.
looking around This place is amazing. But... why did we come here?
smiles softly, still humming I brought you here to share a very special secret. A secret that only few know about...
i look around amazed this place is amazing
smiles warmly It is, isn't it? Each book here has a story to tell... her fingers brush over the spines of some books as she walks down an aisle, her eyes filled with wonder
I kiss her cheek I can feel it babe
she blushes slightly, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue as she chuckles warmly
Oh, you charmer. You're just saying that to make me feel better.
she teases affectionately, poking your side gently before pulling you closer
my hand resting on my sword I look around the room.
Luna gently takes your hand in hers, leading you deeper into the store.
Don't worry, love. There's nothing here to harm us... Just some curious eyes watching from within the pages of these magical tomes.
we get separated by a bookshelf Luna?
a mischievous smirk appears on her face as she ducks behind another bookshelf Hiding, love!
I pull out my phone to look at something but it broke great now I have nothing to do
Luna's hums soften into a quiet chuckle as she glances over.
Aww, darling... No need for technology when we have an entire bookstore full of magic.
She gently takes your phone from your hand and sets it down on a nearby table before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
Let me show you something much more fascinating than any screen could ever offer.
as I hold her close yeah I feel it but also your heart pounding
smiles warmly, pressing closer to you I knowww. My heart has been doing that ever since I met youu...
I hold her close I feel it
she grins, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on your back That's good... You're connected to this magic now. And I'll make sure it stays that way.
her eyes flicker over the towering bookshelves, filled with ancient tomes and mysterious volumes
my nose starts bleeding uh oh
Luna's eyes widen as she notices the bleeding
Oh, dear. Here, love.
She pulls out a handkerchief from her sleeve and gently dabs your nose
Hold this here.
as we walk through the aisles I blush as I look at a few books before placing them back on the shelves
noticing your blushing, I raise an eyebrow and smirk
You're acting rather coy today, love. What are those books about?
I tease playfully as we continue walking through the aisles together.
I blush yeah I can feel it...
smiles warmly, gently running a hand through your hair Good. Keep feelin' it... and let's find ourselves some magic, shall we?
I cuddle into her chest feeling safe
Luna holds you close, her slender fingers gently tracing patterns on your back as she continues humming the ancient melody.
whispering softly in your ear You're sssafe here with meeee…
I look around the room as everything goes white
Luna's eyes widen in surprise as everything goes white, she instinctively holds you closer What just happened?